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Effects of Caffeine as an Enhancer & on Cognitive Functions in Humans (Essay Sample)


discuss the effects of caffeine as an enhancer and its effects on cognitive functions in human life.


Effects of Caffeine on Cognitive Functions
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Effects of Caffeine on Cognitive Functions
 Caffeine is defined as a natural substance commonly found in soft drinks, coffee, tea, guarana, and chocolate. The drug is amongst the world's most used ingredients. It assists to stimulate the brain cells and central nervous system, therefore, helping humans stay alert and relieve fatigue. In society, caffeine is often associated with its hazardous effects, whereas on the other hand, it has various benefits to human health. It is found to possess cognitive-enhancing effects that improve focus, concentration, energy, memory, and learning ability. In regards to this argument, this essay discusses the effects of caffeine as an enhancer and its effects on cognitive functions in human life.
To start with, caffeine assists in making people sustain attention, remain awake and alert during demanding duties. It maintains performance for the fatigued individuals. For instance, in the military, the soldiers take a lot of caffeine to make them alert during the night shifts. The caffeine maintains their cognitive and physical capabilities when taken repeatedly (Rusted 2019). Besides, many students experience pressures in their study, work, and families and therefore use caffeine to enhance concentration and mental focus (Rusted 2019). Therefore, the consumption of caffeine is beneficial to the performances of mankind in the day to day activities.
Secondly, the athletes’ physical performance in their practices is boosted by the use of caffeine. It is believed that the athlete who takes caffeine in the morning can remain active throughout the whole day while those who don’t will get weary and inactive with time (Howlett 2018). When the dosage of caffeine exceeds 200mg, it is evident to find body endurance and muscle strength that enables the athlete to endure the hard conditions. When a moderate dose of caffeine is taken an hour before competition or training, it increases his/ her performance. For that reason, caffeine is said to be a muscle booster that activates body performance.
Thirdly, the intake of caffeine can help protect the body against neurodegenerative conditions such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's. An epidemiologic study suggests that taking several cups of coffee/caffeine daily is an effective

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