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Intimate Partner Homicide Psychology Essay Research (Essay Sample)


Read the article study the significance to you as a counselor. 2.The goal of the research: describe, predict or explain.3. what theory is the study based? 4. Any model or models that are investigated in the study. 5.Research questions that guide the study whether explicitly stated or implicit. 6. The hypothesis of the study, as well as what a null hypothesis, would be. 7. What behavioral research strategy is used: descriptive, correlational, experimental, or quasi-experimental. 8. What behavioral or psychological constructs are being studied. 9. How the constructs studied are conceptually and operationally defined. 10. What types of measures are used to capture the data about the constructs studied: observational, physiological, self- report, and/or archival. 11. For a measure used in the research, and make note of the following: a. information provided about the reliability of the measures. b. information provided about the measures validity.


Effects of Intimate Partner Homicide on the Bereaved Children
Effects of Intimate Partner Homicide on the Bereaved Children
The research is based on the causes and consequences of family disputes have become a significant concern for most researchers, who intend to find the immediate causes and the resultant effect of intimate partner homicide to bereaved children. According to primary types of research, family problems are caused by several reasons ranging from socioeconomic to political factors. Challenges typically face children falling victims of homicide before the death of a parent.
The Goal of the Research
The research aims at identifying the immediate actual causes of homicide among families around the world. On the other, the study aims at finding out the repercussions of the intimate partner homicide on the children left behind, and how the death of one or both parents affects their mental growth.
Theory of the Study
Several methods have been used to explain the origin of psychology seeking the various patterns of homicide. The theories have developed from specific explanations to more multiple answers resulting from the environment (Alisic et al., 2017). The modern methods of homicide seek to improve on mistakes that had been made by older theories. The study was based on Freud’s Psychoanalytical theory, which is regarded as the starting point in explaining the psychological aspects related to the homicide. The theory tries to examine factors that may trigger violent behavior within a person.

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