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Job Stress and Burnout for a HR Manager Research Assignment (Essay Sample)
Write an essay (750-1,000 words) reflecting on a stressful job that you previously held, or a hypothetical job you can create for this assignment
Job Stress and Burnout
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Job Stress and Burnout for a HR Manager
Human resource has by no means been a job for stress wimps. Thus, being recruited as a HR professional is a job which has extreme stress and burnout level. Many individuals enter into the HR profession due to the love of people and the enthusiasm to assist them. These professionals thus deal with people and there are numerous duties in the HR profession that are objectionable. Making and inflicting decisions that have a negative effect on people’s living becomes extremely stressful. HR professionals have feelings and a heart too. Therefore, it is very likely that at some levels, they may encounter stress and burnout. This paper will reflect on a stress and burnout that a HR manager faces and further explains courses of action taken by organizations to reduce stress in the workplace.
The intersection of systemic change and human argument is a major factor that explains the performance pressure and inherent challenge for the human resource manager (Bach & Edwards, 2013). When a HR Manager is faced by high demands with promptly changing responsibilities and requirements and supposes he lacks enough control to tackle such fast paced and acute demands; then he experience chronic stress. One of the key stressor is the transitional glue particularly during unpredictable change. Bach & Edwards (2013) added that the human resource manager often becomes an organization’s stress confessor. As a result, it becomes stressing for the manager to sustain self-esteem in the face of an indecisive and probably susceptible future.
According to Bach & Edwards (2013) training demands and multiple tasks is another factor for high stress. Evidently, HR panel cannot provide distinctive support with employees for the entire recruits’ issues. Depending on the size of the organization, HR ought to have an ample time and personnel to offer classroom course on issues related to HR. It therefore becomes stressful for a HR manager to pass on teaching role to a subordinate. More so, it becomes more stressful for a HR manager as he is required to encourage individuals to perform a logical research and data collection otherwise human resource will be allowing incompetence. Considering HR manager position, as a professional he or she often perform multiple roles from trainer and analyst to cop and confessor. High stress levels appear where a manager is required to be the organizational safety net or support when there are failures with hiring emergencies, detrimental procedures and outdated policies (Bach & Edwards, 2013).
According to Wilkinson et al (2016), lack of stress management in an organization plays a factor in absenteeism, illnesses and workers’ turnover. It is therefore important for the organization to take operational procedures and policies to deal reduce stress level. The organization might have provided the safety and healthy actions. HR works with many departments such as health and safety to prepare and hand out policies based on the clarifications that the personnel have spotted. Through this department, personnel are provided with a structure comprising six principles to help in generating more guidelines for managing stress (Caroline et al, 2014).
Another course of action is for the organization to set behavioural standards. A reliable organization knows how to set these principles for the entire employees such as profanity, embargo against all sorts of nuisance and theft. Consequences for infringements must be made understandable and coherent. With these behavioural standards in position, stresses in members of staff are hugely reduced (Wilkinson et al, 2016). Lastly, open communication is important in leadership behaviour; organization that keeps employees updated regarding expectation, changes and their individual performance plays a vital role in reducing stress and nervousness. As an organization, be sure to keep members of staff up to date with the newest developments and changes in the department. Open communication ensures that employees share thoughts, concerns and ideas leading to a stronger working affiliation and a better overall organization culture (Wilkinson et al, 2016).
Based on the above case, I/O psychologist must have a firm background in work drive in at least three distinct features. First, Aamodt (2016) argues that they must have a comprehensive knowledge of the human motivation theories such as reinforcement, need and cognitive theories. Secondly, there must be a clear comprehension...
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