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Social Problems in Societies (Essay Sample)

A society is a group or a multitude of people living together, interacting with each other and sharing the natural resources provided to them by default of nature as they stay within a particular geographical or social boundaries. The society members are prone to share some common beliefs, customs, religions, ethnicity, language, values, ideologies, institutions and many others that help shape their well- being and inter-relationships which enhances their staying together.Poverty is one of the biggest setbacks that affect any society in the world. In any environment where poverty is so rooted, the consequences are severe including poor health, low achievement in education, limited accessibility of basic resources like food, water, shelter and health facilities. It can also be the biggest contributing factors to addiction to drugs and high rate of crime source..
Social Problems in Societies Student Name Course Name Department Name Instructor 21/04/2023 Social Problems in Societies A society is a group or a multitude of people living together, interacting with each other and sharing the natural resources provided to them by default of nature as they stay within a particular geographical or social boundaries. The society members are prone to share some common beliefs, customs, religions, ethnicity, language, values, ideologies, institutions and many others that help shape their well- being and inter-relationships which enhances their staying together. However, we realize that in a society set-up, there are obvious issues that affects their normal lives. This issues among others are so complex, interconnected and significantly affect the society at large. While the society members are supposed to stay together, this problems affects them and, and eventually brings about cracked integration and division among them, instead of binding and making them live together peacefully. This setbacks becomes a hindrance to the smooth running of the society, and cohesion and integration becomes greatly affected. Below are some of the general problems that affect any society:- * Poverty: - Poverty is one of the biggest setbacks that affect any society in the world. In any environment where poverty is so rooted, the consequences are severe including poor health, low achievement in education, limited accessibility of basic resources like food, water, shelter and health facilities. It can also be the biggest contributing factors to addiction to drugs and high rate of crime. * Discrimination:- This is also a big setback to the society. Discrimination comes in different forms like religious, racial, social and disabilities discrimination among others. In religious discrimination, people discriminate others in religious grounds like Christianity, Islamic, Hinduism among others where they segregate others and build supremacy of their own beliefs. Others are discriminated racially as in, coming from a different racial group can make one feel undermined and segregated, as well as people with disability who feels discriminated for they are not given equal opportunities as their counterparts who are able. * Inequality: This also brings social seclusion to members of a society. This is due to people having difference in their status. Others becomes subjected to humiliation and being undermined in their social life. Although people cannot be all the same, but economic, gender, racial, ethnic and social inequality leads to marginalization, exclusion and discrimination which negatively impact the society. * Crime:- Crime is another setback tha...
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