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Why Are Some Children More Challenging Than Others? Psychology Essay (Essay Sample)


I completed this sample essay strictly to practice academic writing. I googled, "most common essay prompts," and tried to find the ones that were linked or closely related to psychology.
this sample touches on developmental, evolutionary, personality, and cognitive psychology. there are so many factors that contribute to a child's personality development. there are literally thousands of original research studies related to personality development in children.
therefore, I was already highly intrigued by the topic of this essay prompt so writing about it was interesting . I tried to make the writing a challenge for myself and I didn't have all day to write so I set my phone timer to one hour and challenged myself to see what kind of quality paper I could write in one hour.
I'm fairly happy with the final product. The topic is so massively broad. If i had all day, I could have probably written 10,000+ words on previous research and literature alone.


Why Are Some Children More Challenging than Others?
Benjamin S. Myers
28 March 2019
Why Are Some Children More Challenging than Others?
Raising children can be one of the most difficult tasks that an individual faces throughout their entire life. The personalities of children begin to develop within the first months of life. However, children must first learn language and self-expression skills before they can effectively express how they are feeling. Research indicates that children start to feel comfortable with self-expression between ages three and five (Deater-Deckard, 2003). When children can begin to effectively express themselves, their personalities will also become more dynamic and nuanced.
There are vast numbers of different parenting methods that are used throughout the world. Many parents do an exceptional job of raising their children, and their children go on to be successful individuals. Other parents practice poor parenting habits, yet their children may also go on to be successful members of society. Finally, an lucky percentage of parents practice healthy parenting styles, but their children act out and demonstrate unhealthy behaviors.

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