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Any topic (Writer's choice) (Essay Sample)

Instructions i was hoping you could write me a script for a presentation i am about to do. I will provide you a copy of what the topic is about and my own writing of it. I just need it to make it about 5 minutes. Down below is the rubric and my paper to follow along with it. If at any point you have a questions or can't do this let me know? I am hoping that 4 pages should get me to 5 minutes while talking somewhat slow. source..
Topic: The Impact of social media on Mental Health [Student Name] [Institutional Affiliations] [Instructor] [Date] The Impact of social media on Mental Health Introduction: Greetings everyone! I am grateful that you joined me on my presentation on the ‘the Impact of social media on Mental Health’. Over a few years ago, social media has just become a very important part of everyone’s daily life. Revolutionizing the manner in which er share information. However there has been a growing concern in regard to the potential negative impacts of social media and specifically mental health. In my research, I aim at investigating the relationship of social media use and mental health issues with a focus on the demography of the younger generation. Research Proposal: My proposal investigates the impact of social media on mental health with a more particular focus on anxiety and self-esteem levels of young adults aged 18-24 who have a high exposure to picture-centric social media platforms such as snapchat and Instagram. Through as comparison of this group to the younger adults who have no such high exposure to such platforms, I analyze the potential effects of prolonged exposure to social media on mental health. Via the use of qualitative methods of research inclusive of observations, interviews and surveys, I will gather data to explore this relationship. The research findings will greatly contribute to a greater understanding of the harmful impact and also help inform the development of interventions and strategies to promote balanced and healthier social media use. Why is this research important? 1 For the understanding of mental health impacts including depression, self-esteem and anxiety and how social media exacerbates such issues. 2 It is important for informing the digital wellbeing for educators, parents and individuals so as to navigate social media in a manner that promotes digital literacy and promotes health living. 3 It is important bin guiding policy interventions through the findings which can give a platform for addressing the negative impacts which ensue from online environments. What is the Significance of this Research? Understanding the impact of social media on mental health is very critical because it aids in identifying the disadvantages and the challenges associated with its use. With the increased use of social media platforms and specifically among young adults and teenagers, there is quite a pressing need towards addressing the concerns about the psychological effects such as low esteem, depression and increased anxiety. This research sheds light on the sources of negative impacts inclusive of constant comparisons, exposure to unrealistic body standards and cyberbullying. Why should someone reading this proposal care about the outcomes? There are three key reasons why someone should care about the outcomes of this proposed study: 1 Social Impact: The research findings are significant in society. With the widespread social media use, it is important to understand its effects on mental health so as to help stakeholders in guiding interventions to navigate the digital world in a responsible way. 2 Personal Well-being: The outcomes offer insights which are valuable for active users of social media spaces. An understanding of the potential negative impacts on mental health helps people to make decisions which are more informed regarding social media usage and adoption of healthier habits with a priority on mental wellbeing. 3 Policy and Intervention Development: The findings can inform policy development and interventions for addressing the negative social media impact on mental health. It guides the regulatory efforts for ensuring that social media platforms implement measures for protecting users from cyber bullying while promoting positive body image and responsible use. Current Literature Review: There are numerous studies which have cognizantly indicated a strong link between mental health issues propagated by social media use. For instance, a study by Naslund et al. (2020) found that social media spaces inadvertently brought about a range of mental health challenges including depression, anxiety and low self-esteem. Again, the fear of missing out (FOMO) has erupted as a very main cause of users and stress constantly compared to the lives of others and feel like they are missing out on some experiences. Another common issue is cyberbullying which has been shown to bring about very severe mental health problems and repercussions on victims ((Berryman et al., 2018). Research Question: On the basis of current literature, my research question nis stated as follows: "How does prolonged exposure to picture-centric social media platforms, like Instagram and Snapchat, affect the self-esteem and anxiety levels of young adults aged 18-24, compared to those who use these platforms minimally or not at all?" * This question targets the social media spaces like snapchat and Instagram aiming to explore how mental health issues are related to social media usage. Research Methodology: In order to address my research question, I will adopt a qualitative research design. Two groups will be formed comprised of young adults, one comprising persons who have no use on social media platforms and another consisting of those who have are prolific users of such platforms and mainly snapchat and Instagram. By juxtaposing these two groups, I am able to assess the extent to which prolonged exposure to picture-centric social media platforms impacts anxiety levels and self-esteem issues. Data Collection: In order to collect the necessary data, a combination of secondary and primary data collection methods will be used. The primary data will be obtained via observations, interviews and surveys. Surveys are administered for gathering quantitative data whereas interviews and observations are used to provide valuable qualitative insights. Secondary data will be obtained via comprehensive reading of literature that concerns this topic. Data Analysis: Once the ...
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