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Behavior Change (Essay Sample)

The task is about ways of changing behavior to improve health and lifestyle. The paper is written in the first person as it is about how the writer intends to modify the behavior to shed off unwanted behaviors and replace them with healthy behavior. The task required the writer to write a minimum of five behaviors. The essay was supposed to be supported with at least two references formated in apa style. source..
Behavior Modification Name Institution Course Tutor Date How to modify my five behaviors Reducing procrastination Procrastination causes me stress most of the time. I procrastinate to study and do assignments, which increases pressure closer to the deadlines. Modifying this behavior will help reduce my stress levels and ultimately improve my well-being. SMART Goal on how to modify procrastination I will set my study time and start doing assignments immediately instead of waiting until the last minute. I will have a study plan to revise weekly and ensure assignments are done from day one. Having a better sleep schedule Stress can disrupt sleep due to assignments done late-night and too much unnecessary screen time (Guadiana and Okashima, 2021). I will stop doing assignments at night and have the latest screen time at 10 pm. I will reinforce this behavior by waking up early to do my studies and work on assignments. Then I will have the rest of the day to myself for watching TV, using my phone, or other fun activities. Eating and living healthier For a long time, I have struggled with weight and this is detrimental to my health and lifestyle. I will reinforce this behavior by cutting on junk foods and enrolling in a gym. To attain this, I will challenge myself into buying slimmer clothes and the goal will be to eat right and train hard to fit. The clothes should be pretty expensive to give me that adrenalin for the fear of losing the money. I will avoid hanging out with friends during lunchtime to avoid the temptation of eating pizza, chips, and burgers for lunch. I will also set aside a 2-liter water bottle to use in drinking water every day, especially during break and lunch times to kill off hunger pangs and therefore keep me away from too much unhealthy snacking. Not being on my phone as much Being too much on my phone reduces sociability and contributes to other unwanted behaviors like procrastination, and sleeping late at night. Studies show how phones have significantly affected communication, with most of it related to the loss of face-to-face communication (Gladden, 2018). That happens to me because I am mostly looking at my phone even when I am not supposed to, like in social gatherings. That adversely impacts my social well-being and so I want to modify this behavior. I will make it a habit of putting my p...
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