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Moral and ethical dilemmas of problems statement (Essay Sample)

Submit a 2-to-3-page paper (not including a title page or reference page) that addresses the following components of the Final Project. Be sure to incorporate any relevant feedback that you received from your Instructor on last week’s assignment. Refine the Problem Statement. Refine your problem statement, based on what you learned from your peers, your Instructor, and/or the Learning Resources this week and in previous weeks. Explain Your Role in Addressing the Problem. Explain your role, as an advanced human services professional practitioner, in addressing the problem. Identify Ethical and Moral Dilemmas. Describe one ethical dilemma and one moral dilemma that could arise when solving the problem. Explain how you would prevent each using the Ethical Standards for Human Services Professionals. Increase Cultural Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Empowerment. Explain one opportunity that exists to increase each of the following areas when addressing the social problem: equity, cultural diversity, inclusion, and empowerment. Pay close attention to who holds the power and how to attend to these issues through ethics and change management approaches. MUST USE APA 7 FORMAT My problem statement is Providing First Episode Psychosis intervention services to rural Pennsylvanians. One ethical dilemma to approach is not taking all insurances. Some sources to quote Greene, J. & Haidt, J. (2002). How (and where) does moral judgement work? Links to an external site.Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 6(12), 517–523. National Organization for Human Services. (2015). Ethical standards for human services professionals. Links to an external site. source..
Moral and Ethical Dilemma of Problem Statement Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Professor Course Date Moral and Ethical Dilemmas of Problem Statement First Episode Psychosis intervention services in Pennsylvania are difficult to find, most notably because not every county has such services and only a limited number do. As a social worker it is important to advocate for all to receive best possible care. Regarding mental healthcare, social workers should work with individuals and the community to provide comprehensive support to affected families. Similarly, advanced human services professional practitioner should play a role in addressing the problem by considering the advocation of increased mental health services on a macro level and building an environment that honours and respects the diversity of people within a specific community. Based on this understanding, the main premise is streamlining First Episode Psychosis intervention services in the state, so that everyone can access them Like most problems, addressing the limited mental health service care which deprives some people from accessing critical healthcare services, may present moral and ethical dilemmas. Ethically many counties can only take specific and not every insurance, leaving some who need services excluded. According to Greene and Haidt (2002), moral judgements are reasoned considerations which also incorporate emotional intuitions, presenting a dilemma when both are unmet. Based off this understanding, many mentally ill patients lack the capacity to make decisions, requiring some dependence on practitioners to employ their best interests. While advanced human service professional practitioners often refrain from unwarranted use of interpersonal persuasion when making decisions regarding clients, this may not always be the case as some cases can be influenced by emotions, presenting a moral dilemma. One way of addressing the issue of many counties only taking specific and not all insurances and leaving some who need services excluded is by proposing a change in policies in order to cover everyone and achieve equity and inclusion. Standard 16 of the Ethical Standards for Human Services Professionals states that “Human service professionals advocate for social justice and seek to eliminate oppression. They raise awareness of underserved population in their communities and with the legislative system.” In addition, the problem can be handled through empowerment. On the other hand, the moral dilemma linked to potential decision-making based on interpersonal persuasion can be addressed by acknowledging cultural diversity, consulting with the code of ethics and working with other practitioners. Standard 11 (2015) states that, “Human service professionals are knowledgeable about their cultures and communities within which they practice. They are aware of multiculturalism in society and its impact on the community as well as individuals w...
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