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Is it Ethically Correct to Impose Your Religion on Your Children? (Essay Sample)

The instruction of the task was to maintain an objective view of whether it is ethically correct to impose your religion on your children. Following this instruction, the paper respects the views from the two sides of the argument and wraps the argument up with a neutral standpoint rather than a subjective one. source..
      Is it Ethically Correct to Impose Your Religion on Your Children? Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Course Number and Name Instructor/Professor Name Due Date Is it Ethically Correct to Impose Your Religion on Your Children? Religion is one of the oldest forms of culture in the historical setting of humanity. However, despite its long-existing nature, parents and guardians of children have been responding to it with a different outlook. While some parents believe it is imperative to impose their religion on their children on the basis of traditional precepts, others, on the other hand, believe religion is a thing of choice and every human has the right to it. As such, the idea of whether it is ethically correct to impose your religion on your children has become a serious public debate with strong arguments on both sides.      Martin (2022) opines that parents should raise their kids by teaching and showing them a religious pathway to follow, especially at a tender age, to enable them to ethically fit into human society. Additionally, some individuals believe that imposing religion on their kids is a good idea in that it helps them develop strong social ethics and rational philosophical views about life. A critical consideration of this view clearly shows that several other individuals who fall into this stratum believe that parents can impose religion on their kids so as to develop them in a morally acceptable way.  However, some individuals strongly argue that strictly imposing religion on children may impact their lives severely in that they may be exposed to negative thoughts such as having a wrong perception of religion, and resentment towards their family. Other reasons why people are against the idea of imposing religion on their children include negative effects such as the psychological trauma caused by the inability to practice the religion of their choice, and the idea that their human right is being trampled upon, especially if such children ar...
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