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What Social Issues Has the Internet Created?    (Essay Sample)

The task was to write an essay about the issues the internet has created. The paper incorporates a holistic approach in describing these issues caused by the introduction of the internet. Detrimental issues which have created a great impasse in human society due to the introduction of the internet were extensively discussed. source..
What Social Issues Has the Internet Created?        Student’s Name  Institutional Affiliation  Course Number and Name  Instructor/Professor’s Name  Due Date  What Social Issues Has the Internet Created?  The inception of the internet over two decades ago has birthed a revolutionary change in human space. This introduction, although has drastically streamlined the hassles revolving around communication across all walks of life, including but not limited to home, offices, religious institutions, gatherings, cetera; it is however, disheartening that the detrimental effect accompanied by the introduction of the internet is quite enormous when compared to its benefits, thus, creating a great social impasse across the globe.  While the benefits of the internet cannot be overruled, it is however pertinent to note that this inception has done more harm to humanity than good. According to research, the news surrounding the internet has been relatively unpleasant in recent times. Research has proven that the internet is responsible for the increase of social issues and the upsurge of moral decadence in modern society including but not limited to cyber-fraud, the proliferation of fake news, cyber-racism, cyber-harassment, cyber-bullying, security and data breaches, the proliferation of pornography and social media addiction, amongst others (Rahul, 2023).  Additionally, the inception of the internet has disrupted the rational development of modern society and has also birthed a high level of uncertainty in the future development of our world in that the young users who are expected to be the leaders of tomorrow are now engulfed in the abyss of internet addiction (Shukla, 2023).      Ultimately, while it is not gainsaying to affirm that the introduction of the internet is of major revolutiona...
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