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Can Abortion Be Morally Acceptable Choice? Social Sciences Essay (Essay Sample)


do you think Abortion can Be Morally Acceptable Choice? discuss


Can Abortion Be Morally Acceptable Choice?
Abortion cannot be a morally acceptable choice no matter the circumstances. Abortion has always created controversy with those supporting it stating that there is nothing morally wrong with the termination of pregnancy. In fact, the argument is that termination of pregnancy is not killing because the fetus is not living already but has the potential to live. However, abortion is morally wrong in various spheres.
First, it is important to understand that the act of killing people is wrong. Abortion is murder, and the constitution does not allow murder. The fact that the young fetus may still be under development and does not resemble a human being, it is living. Respect for human life is paramount. If all the women are given the choice of terminating pregnancies, then soon humanity will perish. The three big religions; Islam, Christianity, and Hinduism castigate the acts of abortion with contempt. Most nations too illegalize abortion terming it immoral and murder.

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