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child abuse and neglect in the home (Essay Sample)

in this paper, you must use solid academic language and follow the rubric attached below. I have included a sample addressing a different topic to guide you on what I want on this particular paper. Please be keen and follow the requirements provided USE the Sara model of policing and delivery: 3 pages of content, at least 800 words also include at least 1 or more supporting graphics you should use at least 5 references, but no more than 10 use APA format source..
Child Abuse and Neglect in the Home Student Name Institution Name Course Name Professor Name Due Date Child Abuse and Neglect in the Home Child abuse and neglect involve acts of omission that harm children. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), neglect is a popular form of abuse across the United States, accounting for about 64% of the reported cases (CDC, n.d.). It is a pressing issue requiring effective and urgent solutions. With the complexities involved, problem-oriented policing presents a strategic framework to identify and mitigate underlying factors contributing to rampant child abuse and neglect. On the other hand, the SARA applies to problem-oriented policies because it assists in identifying and addressing foundational causes. The SARA model involves scanning, analysis, response, and assessment. An analysis of the issue, identifying root causes, proposing interventions, and evaluating effectiveness help offer actionable recommendations for policing child abuse and neglect. Scanning Child maltreatment and neglect are rampant across the United States, with cases exceeding 600,000 every year (National Children’s Alliance, n.d.). While the rates vary across states and communities, the risk factors are usually the same. Several risk factors contribute to abuse, including poverty, substance abuse, and domestic violence. Also, there are concerns that parental stress and mental health issues also lead to child maltreatment and abuse (Briggs, 2020). The consequences of child abuse vary but include physical injuries, emotional and psychological effects, and long-term impacts that lead to substance abuse, criminal behaviors, and mental health problems. Statistics affirm that more than 93% of abusers are known to the victim, with 34% being family members and 59% acquaintances (See Fig 1) (RAINN, n.d.). Law enforcement agencies, child protective services, and prevention programs undertake current and response efforts. Despite the multi-agency efforts, there is still high-level neglect and abuse across the United States. The main challenges include underreporting and the hidden nature of the problem, which hinders assessing the scope and impact of the issue. Based on the scanning, addressing the problem requires coordinated efforts to address. Figure 1: Child Abuse Perpetrators Analysis Child abuse and neglect is one of the prevalent challenges in contemporary society. The CDC reports that 1 in 7 children experience child abuse or neglect in the United States. There are several forms of child abuse and neglect, including physical abuse, sexual abuse, and other types of maltreatment (American et al.). About 28% of child abuse victims are usually less than two years old. Moreover, reports indicate that girls have a victimization rate, with a rate of 8.7 abuses for every 1000 girls, compared to 7.5 per 1000 boys (CDC, n.d.). The statistics of child maltreatment and neglect affirm the severity of the problem (See Figure 2). There are several consequences and risk factors for child abuse and neglect. Poverty and substance abuse are major risk factors leading to high-level abuses across the United States. Also, there are reports affirming that childhood abuse and neglect contribute to psychological disorders in future years. Abused children also have a high likelihood of experiencing teen pregnancy or contracting sexually transmitted diseases (McCoy & Keen, 2022). Another issue exacerbating the problem is that abused individuals also become abusive parents in later years. The financial cost of child abuse and neglect is estimated at$585 billion, affirming why it is crucial to address the problem before it escalates further. Figure: Number of Children Abuse Cases in US in 2022 by Age Response The response efforts are centered on the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA), enacted in 1974. Another necessary regulation is the Victims of Child Abuse Act of 1990, which outlines incentives to promote multidisciplinary responses to abuses (Krugman & Korbin, 2022). The regulations have provisions for children’s advocacy, court-appointed special advocates, and child abuse training for judicial personnel and practitioners. The current reactions involve multiple stakeholders, including community education programs, improved support services for families, and targeted enforcement actions (Briggs, 2020). Community programs are intended to develop and implement educational programs for caregivers and parents. These ensure that the core stakeholders have positive parenting practices, child development, and the ability to recognize abuse and neglect. There are also partnerships with schools and community organizations to guarantee enhanced support for families. These services include mental health support, substance abuse treatment, and parenting classes (McCoy & Keen, 2022). On the other hand, targeted enforcement actions focus on highlighting risk factors and increasing policing engagements in communities with high risks of child maltreatment and violence. There is also a multi-agency approach to addressing these cases, including social wo...
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