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Exercise (Essay Sample)

Task Brief This task requires you to write four kettlebell routines based on the case study below. Case Study: Kenny Bell Kenny is a 27-year-old male. Kenny is healthy and in the low-risk category for exercise participation. Kenny has two years of general strength training experience and has been using kettlebells in his training for the past 6 months. Kenny would like to improve his overall fitness and become more skilled in using kettlebells. Kettlebell Routine 1 - Push/pull ● The routine must include: ○ Four kettlebell exercises (two push and two pull) ○ 8-12 reps per exercise ○ 3-4 sets per exercise ○ Rest periods 30-60 seconds ● The routine must follow a push/pull sequence of exercises supersetted with each other Kettlebell Routine 2 - Chain ● The routine must include: ○ Five kettlebell exercises (double and single-arm, upper and lower body exercises) ○ One rep per exercise and 4-6 chain reps per set in a chain sequence ○ 4-5 sets per chain ○ Rest periods 1-2 minutes between chain sets Kettlebell Routine 3 - Rep Ladder ● The routine must include: ○ Two kettlebell exercises (one upper and one lower body) ○ 1-4 reps per exercise in a ladder format ○ 4-6 sets per exercise (total reps 40-60) ○ Rest periods 2-3 minutes between ladder sets Kettlebell Routine 4 - HIIT ● The routine must include: ○ Six kettlebell exercises (must include two swing exercises) ○ 8-20 reps per exercise ○ 3-4 sets per exercise ○ Rest periods 20 seconds/exercise, 60 seconds after exercise 6 Forms Required ● Task 6 – Kettlebell Routine 1 - Push/pull ● Task 6 – Kettlebell Routine 2 - Chain ● Task 6 – Kettlebell Routine 3 - Ladder ● Task 6 – Kettlebell Routine 4 - HIIT Marking Criteria Kettlebell Routines ● The student designed and submitted four kettlebell routines ● The student correctly chose exercise variables that were appropriate for the client's training status: Kettlebell Routine 1 - Push/pull ● The routine included: ○ Four kettlebell exercises (two push and two pull) ○ 8-12 reps per exercise ○ 3-4 sets per exercise ○ Rest periods 30-60 seconds ● A push/pull sequence of exercises supersetted with each other ○ The same muscle group were not used in two back-to-back exercises Kettlebell Routine 2 - Chain ● The routine included: ○ Four - six kettlebell exercises (double and single-arm, upper and lower body exercises) ○ One rep per exercise and 4-6 chain reps per set in a chain sequence ○ 4-5 sets per chain ○ Rest periods 1-2 minutes between chain sets ● The chain allowed for ease of change between exercises after each rep Kettlebell Routine 3 - Rep Ladder ● The routine included: ○ Two kettlebell exercises (one upper and one lower body) ○ 1-20 reps per exercise in a ladder format ○ 4-6 sets (rungs) per exercise (total reps 40-60) ○ Rest periods 2-3 minutes between ladder sets ● The exercises used weights appropriate for the rep ladder routine Kettlebell Routine 4 - HIIT ● The routine includes: ○ Six kettlebell exercises (with at least two swing exercises) ○ 8-20 reps per exercise ○ 3-4 sets per exercise ○ Rest periods 20 seconds/exercise, 60 seconds after exercise 6 source..
Exercise Student’s name Institution affiliation Course Instructor’s name Date Exercise Kenny Bell, a 27-year-old with two years of strength training experience, wants to be healthier and improve his kettlebell skills. This program provides four different kettlebell routines that will help him achieve his goals while taking into account his training background and safety. The first routine, a Push/Pull Superset, is about building muscle and strength. It combines giving out pushing exercises with pulling exercises in supersets (McCall, 2023). Doing these exercises one after another guarantees Kenny that all the major muscle groups will be worked out quickly, thus making his workout effective and developing the muscles. Each exercise is performed for 8-12 repetitions, with 3-4 sets completed. The 30 to 60-second rest intervals between supersets give the body enough time to recuperate.  The second routine, a Kettlebell Flow Chain, is about perfecting the technique and coordination (McCall, 2023). Here, a series of exercises are seamlessly connected in a smooth-flowing sequence. For instance, a Kettlebell Goblet Squat could be followed by a Kettlebell Clean and a Kettlebell Military Press. Each repetition of an exercise transitions smoothly to the next, like a well-oiled machine, creating a dynamic chain that challenges coordination and refines technical skills for each movement. Usually, it involves 4-5 sets per chain of 4-6 chain repetitions, with rest periods of 1-2 minutes between chains.  The third routine, the Rep Ladder, is all about creating muscular endurance (McCall, 2023). It uses a system where repetitions of an exercise first increase and then decrease. For example, in this routine, the rep ladder starts with one repetition on the upper body, gradually increasing to 10 repetitions per arm, and finally decreasing back to 1. This routine gives a stimulating challenge for muscular endurance and work capacity. The rep ladder usually includes 4-6 sets for each exercise, with a total reps of 40-60 per exercise. Rest periods of 2-3 minutes between ladders enable the body to recover and regain strength. The last routine, a High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) routine, will help Kenny enhance his cardiovascular fitness and metabolic activity. HIIT is all about intense exercise and brief rest periods (McCall, 2023). This routine raises the heart rate, boosts cardiovascular fitness, and burns calories even after the workout. The program has exercises such as Kettlebell Swings, Cleans and jerks, Thrusters, and Burpees, done for 8-20 repetitions with 20 seconds of rest per rep. After finishing all the exercises, a 60-second rest period is given to the body to recover before repeating the circuit for 3-4 sets.  Progression and Safety These routines give Kenny the groundwork for his progress. He can gradually increase the difficulty by changing the weight, the number of repetitions, the number of sets, or the rest periods (McCall, 2023). Nevertheless, proper form should always be put...
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