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The Definition and The Understanding of Family (Essay Sample)


Ask at least five people (who are NOT currently in this class), “What is a family?” Take notes that are as detailed as possible for each individual's response. How are your answers similar? How are they different? What ideas or concepts that we’ve explored in this module are illustrated by your examples? How do your answers reflect or refute what Coontz calls the “largely mythical ‘traditional’ family”?
Your initial post should be approximately 500 words. After you have posted your primary discussion, substantively respond to a minimum of two of your classmates' commentaries.
Remember to cite all sources (both in-text and references) in APA format. The following link to the Research, Write and Cite Guide will provide directions to information about APA citations.


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The definition and the understanding of family varies from individual to individual. It is likely that when ten people are asked to define family, each one of them will have a different answer. Some people regard their immediate family members as their definition of family. However, others regard anyone that stands by them in pain and in happiness as their definition of family.

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