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Manners Belong to a Bygone Age and should be Left to the Young Ones (Essay Sample)


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Manners Belong to a Bygone Age and should be Left to the Young Ones
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Manners Belong to a Bygone Age and should be Left to the Young Ones
Manners, a topic associated with ethics, dictate what is right or wrong. A person is considered ethically upright if he or she does what the society considers right. This explains why good mannerism is not limited to age. Every person, irrespective of age, has a responsibility of ensuring that engagements with others are ethical and acceptable.
Good mannerism is taught and learnt during early years of one’s life. Once a person is fully mature, the society expects him or her to show good and acceptable behavior or manners to all mankind. This is an indication that respect is a reflex that is only given to people with good manners. Manners help people to openly interact and avoid intentional invasion of each other’s space (Weber & Mitchell, 2012).
All humans are social beings driven by good relationship ethos such as proper hygiene, which can help reduce carelessness that might lead to transmission of diseases. Courtesy is a type of manners driven by a humble and empathizing attitude when dealing with others. This means that every human being with good manners must put other people’s interests first. On the other hand, a person with poor manners lacks love for others, hence is disrespected in the society (MacKellar & Bechtel, 2014).
Some cultures teach basic etiquettes required to take part in social engagements; behaving in a contradicting way is seen as a loss of cultural identity. Bad manners in socio-cultural or religious settings can result in excommunication from certain communities. Therefore, behaving ethically is not age bound, but a positive norm expected of every human being (Heath, 2012).
Robinson (2012) illustrates that manners are not limited to one's age, but apply to all social human interactions. Different types of mannerisms are developed by people at...
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