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Advantages and Disadvantages of Computers in the Modern Society (Essay Sample)


the task is about the advantages and disadvantages of computers in the modern society. the paper describes the advantages and disadvantages associated with the use of computers in the modern world of technological erra


What Are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Computers?
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What Are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Computers?
With their vast diversity of uses, computers have arguably become an integral part of daily life in modern society. As a result, integrating computers to improve the delivery of numerous services and activities is now commonplace. Without question, the arrival of computers has resulted in a faster data processing rate than the more manual traditional methods. Despite the benefits associated with computers, Computers also have both positive and negative consequences and impacts on society.
Computers, in particular, have had a significant impact on improving the teaching process in academic institutions by boosting the efficiency and efficacy of the entire process due to the convenience of sharing data, conducting research, and even presenting outcomes (Iskrenovic, 2018). Learners can now quickly obtain learning materials from tutors thanks to computers. Furthermore, as mentioned earlier, the students can present their assignments remotely, resulting in increased timeliness in meeting deadlines. Importantly, using computers in tutoring keeps students enthralled and engaged in the

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