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Application of 3D Printing in Medicine Research Paper (Essay Sample)


3D printing in printing


12th February 2016
3D printing refers to the technique of creating three- dimensional objects from the digital model. The technology involves developing the virtual design of a particular object one may want to use. Notably, the Computer Aided Design consists of virtual models, which use a 3D scanner to an object that already exists. Moreover, 3D printing has been applied and implemented in the medicine since about 2000 when it was first used to make custom prosthetics and dental implants. Ever since then, the medical application of this technology has evolved considerably. Recently, 3D printing is used to produce ears, bones, eyeglasses, jaw bones, and many more. 3D printing is essential in the production of bio-coded imprints, cell culturing, and cheaper production of products, hence making it an efficient technology.[Mine Gulet, 3D printing in medicine (New York: Harper Press, 2015), 32.]
3D printing is applicable in the production of bio-coded imprints. Today, most medical centers use items developed by the 3D technology. 3D printing can produce made-to-order fixtures and jigs to be utilized in the surgery rooms. Notably, the use 3D printing in customizing implants has provided a useful value to both physicians and patients. Moreover, getting complex and unique parts of the body is usually costly and time-consuming since it involves many procedures to obtain them. However, when the printers are integrated with the 3D imaging technology, it becomes a more reliable and applicable solution. Therefore, it is anticipated that three-dimensional technologies will eventually permit dispensing and release profiles to be customized for every patient.[Uion Kalem, Medicine in practice (London: Cengage Learning, 2014), 43.]
3D printing is also embraced in cell culturing. More often physicians develop most of the surgical equipment using the 3D technology since it can match with that of the patient. Besides, having a touchable form of the patient’s anatomy available for a physician to conducting surgery is much more preferable to depending entirely on the CT scans. For this reasons, it implies that 3D printing quickens the entire procedure of conducting a particular operation. Notably, it is profound that, whenever a patient is operated on using the 3D technology, the impact is usually positive regarding the patient recovery time, and the success of the implant or surgery. Consequently, it is because the 3D printer produces a model, which is the same as the patient’s body organ.[Mine Gulet, 3D printing in medicine (New York: Harper Press, 2015), 43.]
3D printing enables physicians to produce products at a cheaper cost, thus making it affordable to patients. The 3D technology is significant mostly for those companies, which manufacture medical drugs that always require frequent modifications since costs of production are decreased. Further, it reduces the manufacturing expenses by regulating the utilization of the extra resource. Besides, 3D printing uses a few raw materials, which produces stronger parts needed in the medical laboratories and theaters. A 3D printer can also incorporate several elements like 30, which are made traditionally from a single piece. Similarly, a tablet that weighs 30grams could be custom-built on dema...
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