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Instructions: Cover Page: Include your name and student ID. Mention the module code and title. Specify the assessment number (if applicable). Title: "Navigating the Intersection of Profitability and Sustainability: A Comprehensive Analysis of Imperial Oil Limited's Commitment to Environmental Responsibility in the Energy Sector." Table of Contents: List the main sections and their page numbers, including Introduction, Areas of Concern, Evaluation of Business Practices, Recommendations, Conclusion, and Reference List. Introduction (Page 3): Provide a brief overview of the report's purpose and focus on Imperial Oil Limited's commitment to sustainable practices in the energy sector. Reference key literature (e.g., Oláh et al., 2020) supporting the importance of environmental sustainability in contemporary industries. Areas of Concern (Page 3): Highlight key environmental concerns related to Imperial Oil Limited's practices, covering resource depletion, deforestation, soil erosion, emissions, and community impacts. Substantiate concerns with references (e.g., Sharif et al., 2020) and emphasize the negative effects on the environment. Evaluation of Business Practices (Page 6): Analyze Imperial Oil Limited's current practices and their environmental impact. Propose alternative business practices, such as creating pathways in forests and adopting clean technologies. Reference relevant literature (e.g., Chege and Wang, 2020) supporting sustainable alternatives. Recommendations (Page 7): Summarize key recommendations, including creating pathways, reducing emissions, investing in clean technologies, efficient resource management, water recycling, and engaging with the community. Clearly state each recommendation with brief explanations. Conclusion (Page 8): Recap the importance of environmental sustainability in the energy sector. Highlight Imperial Oil Limited's potential to improve practices and align with sustainability standards. Conclude by emphasizing the need for companies to embrace sustainable practices. Reference List (Page 9): Provide a comprehensive list of references, adhering to citation styles. Include relevant sources supporting the analysis and recommendations. Note: Ensure adherence to academic formatting and citation guidelines. Adjust page numbers accordingly based on the final document layout. (Essay Sample)

Instructions: Cover Page: Include your name and student ID. Mention the module code and title. Specify the assessment number (if applicable). Title: "Navigating the Intersection of Profitability and Sustainability: A Comprehensive Analysis of Imperial Oil Limited's Commitment to Environmental Responsibility in the Energy Sector." Table of Contents: List the main sections and their page numbers, including Introduction, Areas of Concern, Evaluation of Business Practices, Recommendations, Conclusion, and Reference List. Introduction (Page 3): Provide a brief overview of the report's purpose and focus on Imperial Oil Limited's commitment to sustainable practices in the energy sector. Reference key literature (e.g., Oláh et al., 2020) supporting the importance of environmental sustainability in contemporary industries. Areas of Concern (Page 3): Highlight key environmental concerns related to Imperial Oil Limited's practices, covering resource depletion, deforestation, soil erosion, emissions, and community impacts. Substantiate concerns with references (e.g., Sharif et al., 2020) and emphasize the negative effects on the environment. Evaluation of Business Practices (Page 6): Analyze Imperial Oil Limited's current practices and their environmental impact. Propose alternative business practices, such as creating pathways in forests and adopting clean technologies. Reference relevant literature (e.g., Chege and Wang, 2020) supporting sustainable alternatives. Recommendations (Page 7): Summarize key recommendations, including creating pathways, reducing emissions, investing in clean technologies, efficient resource management, water recycling, and engaging with the community. Clearly state each recommendation with brief explanations. Conclusion (Page 8): Recap the importance of environmental sustainability in the energy sector. Highlight Imperial Oil Limited's potential to improve practices and align with sustainability standards. Conclude by emphasizing the need for companies to embrace sustainable practices. Reference List (Page 9): Provide a comprehensive list of references, adhering to citation styles. Include relevant sources supporting the analysis and recommendations. Note: Ensure adherence to academic formatting and citation guidelines. Adjust page numbers accordingly based on the final document layout. source..
Include your name and ID Module Code Module Title Assessment Number Sustainability Table of Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Navigating the Intersection of Profitability and Sustainability: A Comprehensive Analysis of Imperial Oil Limited's Commitment to Environmental Responsibility in the Energy Sector" PAGEREF _Toc153008789 \h 3Introduction PAGEREF _Toc153008790 \h 3Areas of Concern PAGEREF _Toc153008791 \h 3Evaluation of Business Practices PAGEREF _Toc153008792 \h 6Recommendations PAGEREF _Toc153008793 \h 7Conclusion PAGEREF _Toc153008794 \h 8Reference list PAGEREF _Toc153008795 \h 9 Navigating the Intersection of Profitability and Sustainability: A Comprehensive Analysis of Imperial Oil Limited's Commitment to Environmental Responsibility in the Energy Sector" Introduction In the contemporary world, where environmental sustainability is the center of every discussion regarding industries, organizations worldwide are being forced to align all their operations with sustainable practices (Oláh et al., 2020). This report explores Imperial Oil Limited, one of the prominent players in the energy sector. This report scrutinizes its commitment to sustainable practices within its energy operations. Based on the company’s sustainability report analysis, this briefing paper will describe and provide insightful views and recommendations to enhance Oil Limited Limited's sustainable practice and its commitment to the social and economic world. Imperial Oil Limited is a company that majored in the business world of energy operations (Wereley, 2020). It is operational within an atmosphere where environmental sustainability is a key factor common to almost all industries worldwide. With the prevailing demand for accountability and transparency from stakeholders trying to align every organization to sustainable practices, it remains imperative that companies try their level best to conserve the environment. This report will focus on the energy sector, specifically petroleum, as it is the product that Imperial Oil Limited is dealing with. This report will also dissect Imperial's current activities, evaluate their relevance to sustainability, and determine what should be adjusted for the company to align with sustainable practices. Furthermore, this report will guide Imperial Oil Limited in cleansing its commitment to sustainability. Enhancing sustainable development is one of the ways of synching with the global standards that are evolving day and night. Some of the key aspects that will be considered in this report include the efficiency of resources, emissions reduction, community engagement, and ethical business practices. Ultimately, this will offer Imperial Oil Limited a comprehensive roadmap to navigate into the intersection of profitability and sustainability. Areas of Concern Particular areas of concern regarding environmental sustainability in the energy sector are wired to Imperial Oil Limited. These areas are directly linked to the energy sector and directly affected by the same sector. One of these areas is the efficiency of resources. Natural resources are the primary creators of the spectacular beauty always seen in nature (Sharif et al., 2020). Environmental sustainability refers to utilizing resources without depleting them, that is, conservation. It is the job of every living thing on earth to take good care of its environment; that is why human beings are used greatly to maintain the beauty of nature. Various ways inconvenience the existence of natural resources on the earth's surface. One of the worst ways of destroying natural resources is by depleting them. Imperial Oil Limited, a company actively operating in energy functions, is known for depleting resources. Fossil fuels are extracted in the manufacture of oil. Such resources, being unrenewable, lead to environmental degradation. It is not good to deplete fossil fuels, provided that they are natural resources, as Imperial Oil Limited did. The depletion of fossil fuels has a direct disadvantage to the environment. Firstly, the quarries cause the ground to lose its spectacular beauty. Quarries are attributed to the ugliness of the ground. No one can love to live in an ugly ground (Sait et al., 2021). This is because it has very little good to offer. Besides, the natural beauty that would attract tourists, like spectacular stones, is no longer after petroleum is mined. This deprives the nation of financial resources. Also, the quarries left after the mining of fossil fuels by Imperial Oil Limited company pose a danger to the human beings living around them. When water collects in the holes created in the quarries, it becomes dangerous to the health of people living around that mosquitoes breed on such grounds and increase the chances of contracting malaria. When people become unhealthy, a lot of financial resources are wasted in hospitals instead of being used to beautify the earth through planting trees to bring balance in levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere (Oláh et al., 2020). Also, a sick person can not work energetically like a healthy one. Therefore, when Imperial Oil Limited Mines fossil fuel and leaves quarried that become breeding sites for mosquitoes, only some people will be energetic enough to take care of the environment. This also degrades the environment. Another way Imperial Oil Limited has depleted resources is by clearing large tracts of forests. When petroleum is discovered in a region, whether a forest or not, the surroundings must be cleared; deforestation is a practice that leads to unsustainability. When trees are cleared in a place where mining should be done, the balance of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is interfered with. This ultimately leads to global warming and the greenhouse effect. Deforestation leads to aridity and desertification. When trees are cut down, the rate of transpiration is reduced greatly (Kirikkaleli and Adebayo, 2020). This then affects the amount of water vapor in the atmosphere, eventually leading to no rainfall. After some time, that region experiences drought. Still, with time, the conditions of aridity and desertification start crouching in. The vegetation on the ground will be forced to die due to a lack of enough moisture in the soil, which has been dried by excessive heat from the sun. The death of plants due to lack of moisture results from mining done by Imperial Oil Limited and its stakeholders. Furthermore, the activities done by Imperial Oil Limited lead to soil erosion. When vegetation cover is cleared where fossil fuels should be extracted, the soils become loose, so agents of erosion such as wind, water, and animals can work on it and erode it. Soils are a very important resource on the earth's surface; thus, interfering with it is unsustainable (Jeswani, Chilvers and Azapagic, 2020). When the soils are carried away by agents of erosion, plants that need to germinate will have no ground and, therefore, end up dying. When plants die, it is still unsustainable because they are natural resources that must be taken care of. Besides, when floods erode the soils loosed by removed vegetation, the lives of the animals living in streams, rivers, lakes, seas, and oceans become vulnerable. When floods wash soil into the water, the water becomes muddy and clogs the fish's gills. As a result, the fish and other animals that live in the water die, too. Soil erosion caused by the activities of Imperial Oil Limited and its stakeholders is still harmful to the environment and, hence, a practice of unsustainability. Moreover, Imperial Oil Limited and its stakeholders contribute to unsustainable practices by releasing harmful fumes and gases into the atmosphere (Derick Taylor Adu and Elisha Kwaku Denkyirah, 2019). The gases emitted by the drills and machines mining petroleum products contain nitrogen and Sulphur oxides. These gases combine with moisture to form acidic rain when they enter the atmosphere. This acidic rain falls on the ground and corrodes iron sheets. Besides, acid rain interferes with photosynthesis and transpiration by killing plant cells. Activities associated with the Imperial Oil Limited Company such as oil mining lead to displacement of people who were once the natives of the land in which oil was identified (Chien et al., 2021). Such activity may create commotion in the society and sometimes leading to clashes and tribal clashes. This can be harmful to the environment in that when settlements are removed by force a lot of flora and fauna get destroyed. Besides, demonstrations may lead to burning of tires and plastics by the citizens of the land in which oil was identified. Burning tires and plastics emit gases that pollute the air around and may affect even the birds and other organisms living in the area. Furthermore, the dust released from quarries and fossil fuels is dangerous to plants and animals. When dust is released from a mine, it settles on plant leaves and clogs the stoma pores. As a result, plants fail to manufacture food and end up dying. The continuous death of plants leads to deforestation, which harms the surroundings. Also, there is massive destruction of animal life in places where the mining of fossil fuels is done. Mining oil in the seas and oceans has hindered the lives of sea animals. When oil spills on top of the water in the ocean, it blocks the entry of air into the water. As a result, the sea animals and creatures in the region covered by the oil will have no oil supply and end up dying. This, too, is not a sustainability practice. Evaluation of Business Practices There are many activities carried out by Imperial Oil Limited that are dangerous to the sustainable well-being of the environment (Chege and Wang, 2020). After an analysis of the suitability report of Imperial Oil Limited, I did an evaluation. I came up with suggestions they can do as an alternative business practice relevant to the concerns. The first alternative ...
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