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Reflective Commentary (Essay Sample)

Complete the portfolio tasks throughout the year - A set of exercises, which focus upon different skills essential for success in your course. To keep track of your progress, you may wish to keep an ongoing reflective diary (e.g. making weekly entries into your portfolio on WebLearn). In this you should record your main university experiences and your feelings about them. By the end of the year we need evidence you have completed all the tasks. you will include the completed tasks with your reflective writing commentary when this is handed in. source..
Reflective Commentary on Personal Development in MN3104 Student’s Name Course Instructor’s Name Date Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l "_Toc133140834" Chapter 1.0. Introduction PAGEREF _Toc133140834 \h 2 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc133140835" 1.1. Purpose of the reflective commentary PAGEREF _Toc133140835 \h 2 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc133140836" 1.2. Brief overview of MN3104 course PAGEREF _Toc133140836 \h 2 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc133140837" 1.3. The reflective practice framework to be used PAGEREF _Toc133140837 \h 2 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc133140838" Chapter 2.0: What I Learned This Year PAGEREF _Toc133140838 \h 3 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc133140839" 2.1. Personal Skills Review in Week 1 PAGEREF _Toc133140839 \h 3 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc133140840" 2.2. Overview of topics discussed in MN3104 PAGEREF _Toc133140840 \h 3 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc133140841" 2.3. Major challenges, setbacks, successes, and opportunities PAGEREF _Toc133140841 \h 3 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc133140842" 2.4. The role of feedback and textbooks in my learning PAGEREF _Toc133140842 \h 3 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc133140843" Chapter 3.0: What I Am Taking Away From MN3104 PAGEREF _Toc133140843 \h 5 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc133140844" 3.1. Evaluation of Experiences and Insights Gained PAGEREF _Toc133140844 \h 5 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc133140845" 3.2. Importance of Skills Development Covered In Class PAGEREF _Toc133140845 \h 5 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc133140846" 3.3. Analysis of Feedback Received and Its Impact on My Learning PAGEREF _Toc133140846 \h 5 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc133140847" Chapter 4: What Needs Further Development and SMART Action Plan PAGEREF _Toc133140847 \h 7 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc133140848" 4.1. Identification of Areas That Need Further Development PAGEREF _Toc133140848 \h 7 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc133140849" 4.2. Specific and Measurable Goals to Improve In Those Areas PAGEREF _Toc133140849 \h 7 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc133140850" 4.3. Planned Activities and Support Needed To Achieve Goals PAGEREF _Toc133140850 \h 7 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc133140851" Chapter 5: Reference List PAGEREF _Toc133140851 \h 8 Chapter 1.0. Introduction In this reflective commentary, I'll give you a quick rundown of what I learned in the MN3104 course. I now have the fundamental knowledge and comprehension of the subjects covered by this course. My personal growth during the course, the reflective practice framework I used to evaluate my learning, and the experiences and insights I got from the course will all be covered in detail. 1.1. Purpose of the Reflective Commentary This reflective essay aims to give a thorough assessment of the MN3104 course's learning experience on my part. In particular, I will talk about how I've improved in taking notes, time management, analyzing comments(Pitt and Norton, 2017) comparing articles, academic writing, public speaking, the courses we covered, and reflective writing. 1.2. Brief Overview of MN3104 Course This reflective commentary will also give a quick summary of the MN3104 course. The course focuses on the development of academic and personal abilities, including note-taking, time management, journalistic questions, teamwork, reading comprehension, research skills, presenting skills ( Davidson and Katopodis, 2022) academic writing, academic integrity, stress management, critical thinking, and reflective writing 1.3. The Reflective Practice Framework to Be Used The reflective practice framework (Mann and Walsh, 2017)created by Rolfe et al., 2001; in Maier et al., 2010) will be used to evaluate my learning in this reflective commentary's final section . What? So What? And What's Next? Are the three components of this paradigm? I must describe the circumstance, the roles of the other parties, and the aspects that were the most difficult or problematic in the first section, "What?" The "So What?" portion of the second section asks me to assess the learnings and insights, and the "What's Next?" section asks me to identify the remaining learning and development gaps and to include a strategy for filling them. Chapter 2.0: What I Learned This Year 2.1. Personal Skills Review in Week 1 MN3104 has given me a variety of personal skills and knowledge that I may utilize to further enhance my academic performance this year. I finished a personal skills review during the first week of the course, which helped me think about the areas of my study where I could do better. This was advantageous (Schein, 1996)since it offered me the chance to reflect on my goals and the areas on which I needed to concentrate during the training . 2.2. Overview of Topics Discussed In MN3104 I was exposed to a variety of themes covered in MN3104 throughout the course of the year, including taking notes, time management, asking journalistic questions, teamwork, reading comprehension, research skills, presenting skills, academic writing, academic integrity, and critical thinking. I was able to study more about these topics and use what I learned to my learning in order to (Pintrich, 1991) have a better knowledge of the course material . 2.3. Major Challenges, Setbacks, Successes, and Opportunities My first task presented me with the biggest difficulties I would face throughout the year. The work was quite difficult for me because (Macan and Shahani and Dipboye and Phillips, 1990) I had to schedule my time well in order to finish it and control my stress levels. I faced obstacles, but with the support of my peers and the criticism I got from my lectures, I was able to overcome them. This was helpful since it helped me grasp not only the principles being taught, but also where I had made mistakes and what I might do to better my work. 2.4. The Role of Feedback and Textbooks In My Learning My lectures' input was helpful as well. By contrasting articles and learning the significance of academic integrity, it helped me improve my academic writing abilities. By working over the presentation slides, I was also able to (Grant and Sleeter, 2018)hone my presentation abilities and better arrange my presentations. I have gained so much from this year. My knowledge of the subjects covered has grown, and I've learned how to evaluate and enhance my learning. Additionally, I've learned the value of feedback and how it may aid in my skill-building. I am confident that the knowledge I have acquired this year will be extremely helpful in enabling me to improve as a student. Through additional reading and participation in class discussions, I hope to further my grasp of the subjects covered in the course in the future. I also(Tremblay, et al., 2021) intend to keep developing my academic writing and presenting abilities by reviewing my work carefully and allotting enough time to finish my tasks . Last but not least, I want to keep using critiques to make my work better since it will make me a better learner. Chapter 3.0: What I Am Taking Away From MN3104 3.1. Evaluation of Experiences and Insights Gained This year's MN3104 has provided me with experiences and perspectives that have been both rewarding and challenging. I have (Meyer and Norman, 2020)been able to apply a wide range of theoretical and practical skills from this course to my studies this year . 3.2. Importance of Skills Development Covered In Class Developing skills like taking notes and time management was the main goal of the course's first section. My awareness and appreciation of the value of taking precise and succinct notes (Salmon, 2013)have grown as a result of my participation in lectures, seminars, and conversations . Additionally, I have improved my time management skills, allowing me to set aside more time for duties to be completed and for participating in other activities. Academic skill development, including reading, research, and writing, was the main focus of the course's second half. I now have a better grasp on academic writing and know how to incorporate the pertinent theories and concepts into my own work as a result of reading and analyzing articles. By learning how to discover pertinent sources using various databases and search engines(Apuke and Iyendo, 2018) I have also enhanced my research abilities. The improvement of presentation abilities was the course's third major topic. I've improved my knowledge of presentation structure and how to use various visual aids to enhance my slides through participation in lectures and seminars. Additionally, I now understand the significance of choosing the right words to use while addressing an audience and how to involve them in my presentation. Reflective writing skills have been emphasized in the course's final section. I have a greater understanding of the significance of reflecting on my own learning as a result of completing reflective logs and writing reflective essays. And how this can help me to improve my skills in the future. 3.3. Analysis of Feedback Received and Its Impact on My Learning In terms of the official and informal feedback I've had throughout the course of the year, I've been able to use this to assist me pinpoint areas of my work that can be improved. I have been able to make modifications to my work and raise the caliber of it overall by taking into account and reflecting on the criticism I have received. Looking ahead, I can see that my work still has to be improved in some areas. I need to improve on being able to write clearly and using suitable language in my writing in particular. Additionally, I need to(Snell, 1999) improve my presentation abilities and make sure that my slides are organized in a way that will keep the audience interested . I want to accomplish this, so I'm going to develop SMART objectives that will help me concentrate on particular aspects of my work. For instance, I want to establish a goal for myself to read a certain amount of articles each week and to write one essay each month in order to enhance my writing. I also want to make it a point to regularly attend seminars and give presentations in order to work on my presentation s...
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