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Business & Marketing
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Instructions: Title and Author Section: Title: Use the provided title. Author: Insert your name in the "Author" section. Class and University Information: Fill in your class name, professor's name, university name, and location in the respective sections. Introduction: Retain the existing introduction. No modifications required. Recruitment Models: Keep the explanation of contract and permanent employment models intact. Recruitment Process: Summarize the recruitment process in a concise manner, emphasizing defining recruitment needs, mission, and profile analysis. Sourcing and Shortlisting: Briefly explain the sourcing and shortlisting stage, focusing on how candidates are identified and screened. Interviews and Skills Testing: Concisely describe the interview and skills testing stage, highlighting its importance in candidate evaluation. Reference Checks: Summarize the significance of reference checks in the hiring process. Offer and Negotiation: Provide a brief overview of the offer and negotiation stage, emphasizing terms discussion and onboarding. Post-Hiring Monitoring: Highlight the importance of monitoring the contractor's work and decisions at the end of the contract period. Benefits of Systematic Recruitment: Summarize the benefits of a systematic approach to recruitment, focusing on talent acquisition, cost reduction, and increased efficiency. Consequences of Poor Recruitment: Briefly mention the consequences of poor recruitment, using the Microsoft-Nokia acquisition as an example. Conclusion: Retain the existing conclusion, emphasizing the significance of systematic recruitment. Reference List: Ensure all references are included and properly formatted. Additional Notes: Keep the content within the 100-word limit per section. Maintain clarity and coherence in the instructions. Remember to adhere to the provided structure and word limit for each section. source..
STRATEGIC RECRUITMENT OF WORKERS IN BUSINESS, MANAGEMENT AND MARKETING by (Name) Class Name Professor’s Name The Name of the University Location of the University (city and state) The Date Introduction Recruiting workers in a business is a critical step that will either add value to the business or depreciate its quality. Recruitment of workers is a sensitive process because the success of any organization greatly depends on the quality of the workforce it contains (Abbasi et al., 2020). Employees contribute to a vast section of the success of their employers in various ways, which is determined by their level of skills and mastery of their respective fields of work. As a result, employers should take note of the type of people they recruit into their teams. Employees' proficiency level is also determined by the strategy used to seek them. Good employment strategies lead to the acquisition of talented workers, ultimately leading to business success. On the other hand, poor and unstrategized techniques lead to the acquisition of poorly rated personnel, ultimately resulting in the organization's downfall (Al Hamrani and Al Hamrani, 2021). Therefore, there are various models that employers can use to recruit workers into their workforce. The choice of these models depends on the organization's needs in different ways, such as the job duration, the number of employees required at a specific time, and the nature of the work understatement. The contract recruitment model is one of the best for recruiting workers. In this model, recruiters seek workers who will be used for a short period or work under a part-time routine. A company may need workers who will provide specific skills that are necessary at that moment or work on a part-time basis (Azmy, 2018). The contract recruitment model is also where an organization seeks short-term skills from personnel to fill the gap of an absent worker who may have failed to deliver the required service within the stipulated deadline. In this case, the employed worker will specifically complete the pending assignment, which will end the contract. One of the advantages of the contract model for recruiting workers is that it enhances flexibility in the business. Besides, it helps the business acquire specialized skills within a short period and provides flexibility. Another important model of recruitment is the permanent employment model. This is the most traditional model of recruiting workers, whereby a person is employed directly into a business with no predetermined end date to their role. In this employment model, the employer is often responsible for providing workplace benefits such as health insurance and paid holidays. This model is always governed by rules that provide security to the employees' stay in their role, such that abrupt termination may not occur easily. Strategic steps are followed when recruiting workers by any of the relevant modules chosen by the employer. Whether contract-based or permanent employment, we are contacting the best talent in the market (Druker and Stanworth, 2001). The first stage of employing a worker in an organization is defining the recruitment needs. Here, the employer defines the reason for recruitment. On many occasions, there may be a gap left by an employer who departed from the organization legally or illegally for a short period or permanently. A company may also need to recruit to plan new objectives for future success. A company may also need to employ because of an increased workload overpowering the present workers. Defining a clear reason and need for recruiting will direct the employer to the best talent. The next stage when recruiting in an organization is defining the position's mission and the type of profile needed. In order to better guide the talent search, the employer should analyze the needs of their department precisely with the concerned staff (Faberman and Nagypal, 2008). The recruiter should also put down on paper the description of the required profile to match the job position's mission. In this stage, the ideal training is also described better to provide the recruits with the most relevant learning strategies. Besides, the recruiter can also define other necessary professional experience for the position, the level of experience required, and the essential technical skills that will suit the position. The job description should include the mission, tasks, and responsibilities of the person that will be recruited (Kan, 2009). The description should be specific but be able to embrace flexibility between the essential skills and other desired but non-essential skills to save resources in searching in vain for unrealistic profiles. Also, a clear description of the time needed to complete the job, as this will help seek either full-time or part-time workers. The third stage of recruitment is sourcing and conducting a candidate search through writing and sharing the job announcement. At this stage, employers actively search for candidates that meet the requirements in the job description. Some organizations also have job boards whereby interested job seekers drop their CVs and other professional details. Therefore, recruitment agencies must thoroughly search for those who meet the requirements of a given job role. Recruiters screen and shortlist candidates after they have identified qualified and interested workers. In this stage, many candidates are dropping their certificates and studies or other documents on the employment boards of recruitment agencies. This will be followed by the recruitment team checking applicants' CVs, certificates for good behavior, and other supporting documentation (Memon, Soomro and Qazi, 2023). In this stage, candidates are first interviewed before being assessed against job requirements. For example, recruiters may review applicants based on their experience in leading various project types and their ability to be flexible to adapt to the needs of the hiring company. Those candidates whose details match the job requirements become shortlisted by the recruiters. Conducting interviews and skills testing is the next step. An interview shall take place in which an extensive assessment and evaluation are carried out on the selected candidates. Candidates selected are interviewed here, during which they are thoroughly assessed and evaluated. Candidates at that level must perform an aptitude test to prove their worth for the opposition offer (Noercahyo, Maarif and Sumertajaya, 2021). The assessment of communication skills, leadership abilities, and competencies is also carried out at this stage. Those who pass the interviews and the skills assessment tests are then prepared for the next stage of recruitment. The sixth stage of contract model recruitment is conducting reference checks. At this stage, recruiters call the relevant personnel or authorities to inquire about the candidates they will hire or employ. Reference calls may be made to the shortlisted candidates' previous employers, tutors, friends, or colleagues. Reference checks are vital in the hiring process because they help recruiters gauge the validity of the information related to education, work experience, and performance details provided by the candidates in their resumes. Another important hiring stage using various hiring/recruitment models is offer and negotiation (Pessach et al., 2020). This stage comes after the recruiter has identified the most suitable candidate. What follows, therefore, is a negotiation on the terms of the contract. At this step, the recruiter may specify the contract's length, the compensation's value, and the derivable. The selected candidate will also be given room to bargain about the compensation value they will receive and the duration of negotiation until the onboarding stage. The candidate is taken through onboarding sessions to integrate into the organization's structure. The company may provide the candidate with the necessary project documentation and any other materials needed to fulfill the contract requirements. The candidate may also be introduced to the rest of the team to build rapport with them. After hiring a candidate, the recruiter monitors the contractor's work throughout the project. At the end of the contract period, the organization may decide to terminate or extend the contract depending on the level of satisfaction and quality of the work performed by the contractor. A systematic approach to recruitment is important because it helps an organization attract, select, and retain the most suitable candidate. Below are the benefits of a systematic approach to recruiting employees and employers (Peterson, 2004). The main importance of systematic recruitment approaches is that they contribute to talent acquisition. Employees with the right talents are an asset to every company. A systematic approach to hiring candidates increases your chances of attracting highly effective and talented employees. An organization's success depends largely on its employees' contributions. You can achieve your goals faster with a talented team in your company. Effective use of the skills of talented employees increases the opportunities for ingenuity and innovation and allows the company to adapt to new market trends. Therefore, a systematic approach to candidate selection attracts the best talent, benefiting the entire company. Another important aspect of good hiring strategies is that they help reduce finding candidates' costs. Many organizations use different platforms to search for employees, paying for the space and services the chosen platform offers. Unfortunately, donated funds are sometimes wasted if the organization cannot find a suitable candidate for this type of platform. Using a strategic and systematic approach, the recruiter can identify the best job boards to use to ensure they find the best candidate. This helps reduce costs accidentally wasted on social me...
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