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Selection of MBA (Essay Sample)

i) Apply the Hierarchy of Needs model (Maslow, 1954) to critically reflect upon the needs that motivated you to pursue an MBA at AFG/University of Aberdeen, and in what ways these are similar or different to the needs identified by Dailey, Anderson, Ingenito, Duffy, Krimm, and Thomson (2006; see essential reading list below for a link to this paper). ii) Apply the Theory of Consumption Values (Sheth et al., 1991) to critically reflect upon the types of value that you are seeking to gain from pursuing your MBA course at AFG/University of Aberdeen, and whether you think these are similar or different to other students on your course. iii) What are the main sources of direct, indirect and replacement competition for AFG/University of Aberdeen when seeking to attract MBA students in Qatar? (e.g. you might think about which other institutions you considered when choosing your MBA course, and whether there were other ways you could have fulfilled the needs and types of value you identified in parts i) and ii) of this task) iv) Critically consider how AFG/University of Aberdeen is positioned in comparison to the competitors you have identified by addressing the following questions/tasks: a. To what extent, and in what way is AFG/Aberdeen differentiated from its main competitors in the MBA market in Qatar? (e.g. you might think about the ways, if any, that AFG/University of Aberdeen offer benefits and value to MBA students that its competitors do not). b. Identify TWO criteria that were important to you when you chose between the option you took (i.e. to pursue an MBA at AFG/University of Aberdeen) and the alternative competitor options you have identified above. Use these two criteria to construct the axes for a perceptual map. Plot all these options (i.e. MBA at AFG/University of Aberdeen and all competitor options) on this perceptual map to show how you think about them in relation to each other. v) Apply either the Anatomy of the Brand model (Jobber, 2001) or the Brand Prism model (Kapferer, 1994) to identify and explain the image that you currently hold of the AFG/Brand, and then address the following questions: a. Does the brand image you have described give AFG/University of Aberdeen a distinct, meaningful and sustainable competitive advantage over its main competitors in the MBA market? Justify your answer. b. In what ways would you recommend AFG/University could better formulate and communicate its brand identity to enhance its brand positioning compared to its main competitors? In answering this question, you must make reference to the model you used to critically reflect on your current image of the brand (i.e. Anatomy of the Brand or Brand Prism). Essay Specifications: - You will be assessed on theoretical knowledge and understanding, application of theory to/in the specified context, critical thinking and argument, independent reading, structure, presentation and clarity of communication. - Font: Calibri 11 point - Spacing: Single - Length: 1500 words ( /- 10%) Not including references - Text: Justified RHS and LHS Accurately cite all sources used (use Harvard Referencing) source..
SELECTION OF MBA DEGREE by Student’s Name Class/Course/Code Professor’s Name University/School City, State Date Different individuals are motivated to act in specific ways (have different needs) by various elements in their environmental settings, be it in school, work, or social gatherings. Several theorists propose different explanations as to why individuals behave in particular ways. While some individuals seek to be the best in their areas of residence, others will want to have good working relations with others. Similarly, my desire to undertake an MBA arose from environmental factors related to growth, and various theories will demonstrate this. Abraham Maslow’s motivation theory: the hierarchy of needs, asserts that it is not until one has fulfilled their needs at a particular point that one develops more advanced needs (McLeod, 2020). It is not until one has fulfilled their needs at some point that one desires more advanced needs, as shown in the figure below. According to Maslow, and affirmed by several studies, one cannot study if they lack the basic needs: food, clothing, and shelter. The basic needs are in the lower hierarchy, while education is above the basic needs on the hierarchy. However, it does not mean that one is void of other needs; it beats logic to climb up Maslow’s ladder while important low-level needs have not been met. For example, the sudden loss of a job means that one goes a level lower because the need to climb up the hierarchy is suppressed. On the other hand, staying on the job means that one’s growth needs are engaged, like in my case, leading to a desire for personal development. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is divided into deficiency and growth/being needs. Deficiency needs escalate as long as they remain unfulfilled (McLeod, 2020). Growth needs, on the other hand, become stronger when supporting factors such as resources are present. Therefore, even after moving a step backward in the hierarchy, the desire to grow remains and becomes engaged upon fulfilling lower-level needs while still having the necessary resources to help one climb the ladder. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs compares to the one by Dailey et al. though the latter does not include physiological needs (Dailey et al., 2006). Otherwise, Dailey’s et al. theory comprises the other four levels of needs as in Maslow’s hierarchy (refer to the figure below). Figure 1: Maslow’s hierarchy of needs (McLeod, 2020) Other than the need for growth after fulfilling more important lower-level needs, the theory of consumption can help to expound on Maslow’s motivation theory to assert the essence of pursuing the MBA. The theory of consumption is grounded in five values, and the ones relevant to seeking an MBA are functional value, emotional value, and epistemic value (Zailani et al., 2019; Sheth, Newman, and Gross, 1991). The functional value is the basis for the economic utility theory; hence, I prefer to pursue an MBA because I will gain economic utility in terms of a better salary through job promotion. Currently, I am an assistant manager, and a better salary guarantees better opportunities and an extra advantage in seeking opportunities. I believe that the functional value is common among my peers who chose to pursue their MBA as they aim to earn more and enjoy a quality life. I will also feel good about the entire process because it is a desire I have had since becoming an assistant manager, and I will be contented after gaining the MBA. There is a feeling of success that comes with completing the MBA. The same applies to my peer students, who will gain emotional value after completing the MBA through the satiating feeling of success (Zailani et al., 2019; Sheth, Newman, and Gross, 1991). My current educational qualification is redundant and needs to be enhanced by advancing to an MBA to acquire leadership skills that were not emphasized in my undergraduate degree. Most of my peers share the same sentiments as they feel that their current educational qualification does not guarantee them the achievements they anticipate: safety in Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. The pursuit of the MBA also helps to gain epistemic value because the MBA is a highly valued degree programme for professionals who seek to advance their leadership skills. I have pursued an engineering course in my undergraduate, and now, I want to gain new knowledge because I am not content with my current educational degree about gaining a managerial promotion (Seymour, 2001). The same applies to most of my peers in the MBA class as they seek to gain managerial positions in their places of work. Qatar University is the direct competitor that aims to provide the same products and services as the University of Aberdeen, considering an advanced education that enables one to go up the hierarchy of needs. Qatar University targets the same market as the University of Aberdeen, but the former has a more complex application process. Furthermore, Qatar University's website is not as precise and comprehensive as that of Aberdeen, enhancing its emotional value. The admission requirements at Aberdeen are easy, and it is not arduous to obtain the required documents. Again, Aberdeen gives the total fees, while it is difficult to comprehend the entire fee figure because payment is per credit hour; hence, the functional value is not guaranteed (Qatar University, 2022). As a result, the University of Aberdeen is more appealing and has a clear and simple procedure that enables it to supersede its direct competitor. An indirect competitor is the HEC Paris Executive MBA, which is ideal for working professionals as it is a part-time program that works well for these individuals. An indirect competitor serves the same customers as those of other firms they compete with, but it provides its products and services in a different way (Czepiel and Kerin, 2012). On the other hand, the University of Aberdeen offers both part-time and full-time MBA programs. Therefore, the two competitors provide similar products: MBA, but they have different target markets (HEC Paris, n. d.; University of Aberdeen, n. d.). Sequentially, as my needs and values were on attaining the MBA, which is pertinent for me to become a business manager, the pursuit of the MBA can occur in different ways. Other than the full-time program, there is a part-time program. Doha Institute for Graduate Studies is a replacement competitor because it offers an EMBA/EMPA dual degree program. As noted by Pitt (2017), a replacement competitor provides a new solution, but Qatar University has a more specific target group: managers and executives seeking to rise from middle to senior positions. Moreover, it has a higher fees structure: QR 279, 000, as opposed to Aberdeen’s QR 117, 500. Doha Institute for Graduate Studies (2022) has a more tedious application process than Aberdeen for individuals who have a busy working schedule. Ultimately, the University of Aberdeen has the friendliest application process and a better fee structure that best meets my needs and wants. The University of Aberdeen differentiates itself as the most accommodating institution by having a more appealing application process, which is well-explained. Nandan (20005) asserts that a brand can differentiate itself through unique and distinct features. The University of Aberdeen fulfils Nandan’s specifications by having the simplest application process and clear communication on their website. One does not have to go through the tedious process of going back to previous institutions seeking recommendations and approval because the supervisors that one may have been familiar with might have already left. Instead, they ask for detailed work references that they can use to seek any information they need. Therefore, they give individuals the chance to be better by considering their current achievements and statuses and not focusing too much on their past. Moreover, they convey all the needed and relevant information on a single page. Qatar University, being a direct competitor, and while factoring in the application process and fees, is outperformed by the University of Aberdeen, as indicated in the perpetual map below. Lower and well-indicated fees 266700077470Aberdeen00Aberdeen22955251397100 Complex application processSimple42862412763600 application process 69532559055Qatar University00Qatar University Incomprehensible fee structure (seems expensive) Every company seeks to build its identity, and Kapferer’s brand identity prism (see figure below) is one way through which each firm can review its processes of creating a powerful and long-lasting brand identity. The University of Aberdeen stands as the best university suited for my needs. The manner in which it targets its segments (great physique to reflection) makes it a distinct, meaningful, and sustainable academic institution over its main competitors (European Institute for Brand Management [EURIB] cited Farhana, 2014). Unlike the HEC Paris University, the University of Aberdeen has a simpler application process, a more diverse and appealing teaching strategy, and favourable learning options (part-time and full-time) that allow one to select the most befitting. Doha Institute of Institute targets managers seeki...
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