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The Media Diversity Comparison in China and United Kingdom (Essay Sample)

Topic: The Media Diversity Comparison in China and United Kingdom 3500 words Diversity media topic:Compare two alternative country media environments and the way in which social and cultural diversity is approached in media policies and institutions The two countries to be compared are China and the United Kingdom (emphasis) Number of references: more than 10 source..
The Media Diversity Comparison in China and United Kingdom By (Student's Name) Course Number Professor's Name University Name City and State Date Introduction Alternative media are platforms that enjoy independence from control by the government in covering their media content. They usually want the freedom of the press but follow ethics in the journalism field to deliver their media. Alternative media tend to be non-commercial projects which advocate the interest of the ones excluded in mainstream media. Such contents include LGBT identities, the poor, and political, ethnic minorities. Generally, alternative media will provide the mainstream press information due to its control. With alternative media, people have interacted concerning some topics that help express their views in contrast to the mainstream, which is one-sided. The paper explains a comparison of alternative media environments from China and the United Kingdom to describe how cultural diversity is approached within the two countries. Alternative media on economic, social, and political environments The alternative media environments in the United Kingdom are more favorable than in China. Due to the rising of freedom pushing by the public and United Nations, many alternative media press from the UK have been able to present their news without any form of fear. In the United Kingdom, freedom of the media is expressed by any willing citizen within the country, but there are a couple of restrictions that the media should not do. Some alternative media sources in the United Kingdom include the Canary and Another Angry Voice (Dmitriev, 2020 pp.570). They are among the shared publisher in the country. Many of the alternative press is based on political media and public alternatives. Many people in the United Kingdom are turning into alternative media for their news. The reason is that UK citizens think that such press provide information without any fear, and the way something happened is given precisely by the alternative media press. Due to the advancement of information technology in recent years, China's alternative media press has increasingly attracted interest from everybody in the country, including scholars and abroad. Some groups and movements like homosexual groups and sub-culture groups have taken advantage of the alternative media to express themselves (Chen and Gunster, 2019 pp. 433). The main reason for forming such movements in social media is to search for justice due to various incidents in the country. The alternative media are centered on the development of social, cultural, and economic matters for China. For instance, there has been a rise for alternative media in Hong Kong to fill the void left by the failure of the mainstream media to represent the increasingly diverse views of the population. The mainstream media has been filed with the control by the elite personalities within the country, making people demonstrate for the alternative press which gives information the way happened.  The alternative media in both United Kingdom and China have been used to give government loopholes which hinter the country from development. Understandably, the mainstream media has permanently been restricted with news that affects the governments negatively. For instance, in the UK, the alternative media press published information about how the government was somehow selfish in letting the Brexit happen. Therefore many people started trusting some of the trusted blogs than the big media like BBC. On the other hand, the protests in Hong Kong were fueled by some alternative media platforms that opposed the way the government was deteriorating the economy. The alternative press has been considered rebellious by the China government due to the unfearful expression of their ideas (Närväne et al., 2018, Pp. 109). Therefore politically, the alternative media have achieved a significant change in ensuring China and the UK have formed good ways to develop citizens.  From both countries, news reporting in alternative media considers what is more popular and saleable. The selling of more popular information has been associated with some alternative media since their owners are driven to profit. Therefore, much fake news has spread against the less popular institutions from the UK and China. Some of the blogs, which are forms of alternative information, have been banned for a lifetime in publishing any news since they have been considered abusive or showing no respect to the government and public. In the essence of publicity, many alternative media from the UK have been associated with fueling conflicts and abuse. Many UK citizens do not like the environment for alternative media groups based on publicity and profits. The same case applies to China, in which many citizens have shown less interest in some alternative sources, which might be giving fake information to make more money and be famous in the whole world. Such news is contrary to the government directives and has caused China's international role to be questioned by other countries. Due to alternative media, the mainstream media has been seen as monolithic, in being perceived as corrupted. Due to the rise of technology, alternative media has been used as a platform where people can get entertaining news as well as celeb news. In the United Kingdom, the youth has been able to interact with one another to create unity. In so doing, the mainstream media has been neglected by many since everyone's goal is to build the nation for future goodness. The use of alternative media means some arms of the government have also addressed some issues that have hindered their operation in serving ordinary citizens. Notably, the environment for alternative media has been characterized by many in the United Kingdom as appealing and helps people with the expression of emotions and supports freedom of speech among all citizens. On the other hand, Chinese media is thoroughly regulated by the government in which some content cannot be uploaded to the internet regardless of mainstream or alternative. Thus, alternative media has been used to create awareness of the importance of freedom in the press and social media. Various movements which are characterized by change of generations have been endorsed countrywide. The campaign's main aim is to make sure that freedom of the press is granted to anyone without any form of restrictions, which dramatically has influenced many media houses. Additionally, the government of China has been using media to spread false information to gain diplomacy on which the alternative media has been opposed and has used the chance to criticize the government. Therefore partially on a political basis, the alternative press in China has not received the needed acceptance and freedom. On an economic basis, alternative media has been used by private companies in addressing their issues. Through such media, businesses and firms have been able to advertise their products. Through the alternative means of press, there has been direct communication between clients and company, which has led to the expansion of the market in the United Kingdom. Through the direct involvement between the consumers and clients, many businesses in the United Kingdom have been able to gain market abroad even after Brexit (Cushion, 2021pp. 18). The reason is that many people prefer online businesses due to their busy daily schedules. Therefore, alternative media has been used to create a market in the business world for both UK and China firms. Thus the economic environment for the alternative media in both countries has been greatly appreciated. Globalization goal for China firms has been significantly achieved. Through a formal advertisement on online platforms, many companies have been recognized globally in what they sell. In doing so, such firms have benefited so that they have created a specific economic growth in the country. Therefore, through the country considering the importance of alternative media to the development of the economy, some regulations have been eased to ensure that everybody can advertise freely. By achieving globalization goals, employment creation has been found even to citizens excluding those from China. The reason is that with the use of such blogs, some important websites have been created and enhanced working even for abroad people. Therefore, the globalization goal has been achieved through social media platforms which are in alternative media. Due to the rapid growth in social networking sites, alternative media participation has been of great significance. In the United Kingdom, social networking has been used by many people in various ways. Through the social media campaign practices have been carried out effectively in the whole nation. Since mostly three-quarters of UK citizens can access social media, many politicians have communicated their plans to everybody. Additionally, the government officers use such platforms to ensure that fewer official statements requiring public participation are carried out effectively. Some debates have arisen in social media within the UK, with the government trying to show its direct involvement and public participation. Therefore through social networking, the UK citizens and the government has been able to benefit. Through the use of social networking sites in the brackets of alternative media, China has also addressed some issues that affect ordinary citizens. The movement initiated by the government across all social media platforms but primarily Twitter, has helped the country a lot in fighting against racism which has hindered the growth of many countries in Europe and Asia, with China included. With the top government officials twitting on the matter, many public members participated and have shown solidarity as well to the affected people. Therefore the direct involvement between leading government members has been enc...
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