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Educational Studies (Essay Sample)

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ESSAY ON INCLUSION OF PUPILS FROM BAME BACKGROUND BETTER IN OUR CLASSROOMS Student’s Name Course Instructor’s Name Date A. INTRODUCTION The under representation of students from Black, Asian, and Minority Ethnic (BAME) backgrounds in the curriculum, educational resources, and educational history has been an ongoing issue in the educational system. The absence of diverse representation and inclusion in instructional materials has a negative effect on BAME students' educational experiences and supports racial and social inequality on a systemic level. The necessity for culturally sensitive instruction and institutionalized prejudice have both been highlighted in numerous research studies that shed light on this problem. A thorough grasp of the issue is made possible by the research techniques used in these articles, such as literature reviews and case studies. Diversifying the curriculum, giving teachers professional development opportunities, working with BAME communities, putting assessment and accountability systems in place, and encouraging research and information sharing are some ideas made to address this problem. By putting these suggestions into practice, educational institutions can move toward a more equal and inclusive educational system that respects diversity. The issue? It has long been a problem in the educational system that students from Black, Asian, and Minority Ethnic (BAME) backgrounds are underrepresented in the curriculum, instructional materials, and educational history. According to Stevenson et al.( 2019) in their article "Understanding and overcoming the challenges of targeting students from under-represented and disadvantaged ethnic backgrounds", view that, BAME people's learning experiences are impacted by the issue of the learning materials' lack of diverse representation and inclusion of BAME people. Relevance of the issue? Because it significantly affects the educational experiences and outcomes of BAME students, the topic is pertinent. Inequality and systemic racism in society may also be perpetuated as a result. (Ainscow, Booth and Dyson., 2006) in there book "Improving Schools , developing inclusion" hold that a more just and equitable society may be facilitated by inclusive education that values and respects diversity. Individuals affected? BAME students in schools are impacted by this issue, especially those who might not feel that they are represented in the curricula and instructional materials. It also has an impact on educators like teachers and other professionals that work with various student populations and must deliver inclusive instruction. B. RESEARCH Numerous research studies have looked into the topic of BAME people being underrepresented in the curriculum and instructional materials. Several of these research' key findings will be compared and contrasted in this section. Gillborn contends in his book "Racism and Education: Coincidence or Conspiracy? " published in 2008, that the educational system is fundamentally racist and that systemic discrimination places BAME students at a disadvantage. The book emphasizes the issue's systemic basis and urges adjustments to the built environment to resolve it. In their study "Educational Inequality: Mapping Race, Class, and Gender - A Synthesis of Research Evidence," (Gillborn and Mirza ., 2000) present a thorough analysis of the academic literature on the topic. The study demonstrates that compared to their White counterparts, BAME students are more likely to face isolation, underachievement, and poor expectations. The research also emphasizes how important it is for the educational system to address the intersections of race, class, and gender. Another important investigation that examined institutional racism in the UK police force in the wake of Stephen Lawrence's murder was (The Macpherson Report 1999). According to the research, institutional racism exists when a company consistently fails to treat customers fairly and professionally due to a person's race, ethnicity, or culture. Although the research focuses on the police force, its conclusions have ramifications for the educational system and underline the need for structural adjustments to overcome systemic racism. (Warren and Gillborn, 2003) "Race, Equality & Education in Birmingham" report, focuses on the experiences of BAME students attending Birmingham-area schools. In the report, it is emphasized how important it is to teach in a way that is sensitive to cultural differences and to incorporate a range of experiences and perspectives into the curriculum. Importance of the research paper in understanding the issue. The research methodologies utilized in the selected studies can help us learn more about the problem of BAME students' underrepresentation in the curriculum and instructional materials. The studies include a variety of research techniques, such as literature reviews, case studies, and surveys, to offer a thorough understanding of the issue. The research techniques are helpful in emphasizing the systemic character of the issue and the demand for structural adjustments to address institutionalized racism. Need for change To guarantee that all students have access to an inclusive and equitable education, the problem of BAME students' underrepresentation in the curriculum and learning materials needs to be addressed. Sokoloff and Dupont. (2005) in there book "Domestic violence at the intersections of race, class, and gender: Challenges and contributions to understanding violence against marginalized women in diverse communities. Violence against women" argue that, currently, systemic racism and inequality in society are maintained through a lack of diverse representation and inclusion, which also contributes to BAME people being marginalized. C. CONCLUSION The comparison of the research articles demonstrates that the underrepresentation of students from BAME backgrounds in the curriculum and instructional materials is a pervasive problem resulting from ingrained racism and discriminatory practices. The findings highlight the essential need for inclusive education that honors and acknowledges the history, contributions, and experiences of BAME communities. In order to effectively address this issue, it is essential to question current power structures, diversify the curriculum, and give instructors assistance and training in fostering cultural awareness. D RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. What are the recommendations from practice in schools? The following ideas can be put into practice in order to better incorporate students from BAME backgrounds in the classroom: Curriculum Diversification: Banks. (2015). In his article "Cultural diversity and Education: Foundations, Curriculum and teaching" argues that, In order to include a diverse range of viewpoints, histories, and contributions from BAME backgrounds in the curriculum, educational institutions should work actively to do so. This can be achieved by combining writings, accounts of the past, and scientific advancements from other civilizations and communities. The result will be a more inclusive and interesting learning environment where students from BAME backgrounds will find themselves reflected in the materials they study. Professional Development for Teachers: Cultural responsiveness and anti-racist teaching should be the focus of comprehensive and continuing professional development for teachers. They should leave this course with the knowledge and abilities needed to design inclusive classrooms and include many viewpoints into their instruction. Schools may create a more inclusive learning environment where all students feel valued and supported by investing in teacher training. Work together with BAME Communities: In order to comprehend the needs and viewpoints of BAME communities, schools and educational authorities should actively engage and work together...
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