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Self-Organization, Time Management, and Team Working Skills (Essay Sample)

The essay illustrated what the student gained knowledge of what is needed to succeed at university and how study techniques can be used to your best advantage. Base your analysis on three study skills learned in class which were self-organization, time management, and team working skills. All this skills are discussed in separate paragraphs. source..
Self-Organization, Time Management, and Team Working Skills by (Name) The Name of the Class (Course) Professor (Tutor) The Name of the School (University) The City and State where it is located The Date Self-Organization, Time Management, and Team Working Skills Development of life skills is beneficial to students because it provides ways of solving problems and thinking critically. Skills teach one on how to take responsibility and recognize the impact of their actions. It is also a way of building spoke skills, cooperation, and collaboration. Knowledge, abilities, and skills are the most important aspects of a student's life. Skills are abilities for positive and adaptive behaviors that enable individuals to deal with situations and challenges effectively and indefectibly. Activities like decision making, creative art, critical thinking, problem-solving communication, and collaboration along with a sense of responsibility contribute to becoming a good student. The paper will explicate self-organization, time management, and team working skills and how these skills illustrate the success of gained knowledge for academic attainment. Kostromina (2013, p.544) indicates that self-organization integrates a whole complex of characteristics that include creativity, initiative, independence, autonomy, and ability to regulate an individual's psychic and physical states. An individual with a high level of self-organization can mobilize capabilities for the fulfillment of planned and directive activities and it is all about restricting their resources to achieve successfully a given relevant task. This skill is an individual's psychological foundation formulating the styles of creative activity. Kostromina (2013, p.546) explicates that Self-organizing skill helps one structure their personal academic developing space creating responsibility in the student's professional and personality development. With this, a student can possess a certain degree of psychological resources made by self-process of introspection, independent planning, and self-control. According to the general theory of self-determination, human motivation is based on innate, universal, and basic psychological needs that include autonomy, competence, and relatedness (Zavydivska and Khanikiants, 2016, p.593). This skill helps in self-efficacy, student achievement, and student-teacher relationships in ways that promote students' potential to be self-motivated. Self-organization helps students have the ability to construct their work with the aim and goals to achieve, find resources necessary to achieve these goals, and then apply persistence and endurance to attain success. Time management is about control and planning the amount of time an individual will spend on a specific task. Since time is a finite resource it needs to be managed effectively. Time can only be utilized well if students can have long-term and short-term goals for instance completing assignments on time, achieving a higher grade among others. Prioritizing is also important because it defines tasks per their importance. It provides students with the ability to prioritize tasks depending on time and ensuring that activities that are not urgent but vitally important for instance exercise, adequate sleep, and devotions are given precedence. When priorities are set, Alvarez, Ferrero, and Ugidos, (2019, p.638) indicate that it is prudent to plan and organize on getting things done. Self-organizing skills are connected to time management skills in terms of providing solutions, accumulation of unfulfilled obligations, and delays. Time management can also be achieved if students can manage their stress levels. No student can work under excessive stress. Snowden (2015) indicates that to maintain productivity while studying, students need healthy ways of managing their pressure by exercising and getting enough sleep as a way of making learning more efficient. For students to achieve academic success, they must manage their study time at all times by prioritizing assignments, finding dedicated study space, creating blocks of study time, schedule other activities after school work, join study groups, and use helpful resources. Time management helps students take advantage of learning opportunities, helps them focus, and lowers stress leading to career success. The benefit of time management according to Kostromina (2013, p.544) improves another aspect of a student's life. Practicing good time management means leaving no room for procrastination shows the value of self-discipline. Teamwork helps students benefit from their level. Team activities help students develop essential collaboration and communication skills that prepare them for success even after their academic achievement. Magpili and Pazos (2018) indicate that through teamwork students learn from their coaches and leaders on how they should perform their roles and also learn to listen to function cohesively. It is also a channel that enables how students to express their opinions and ideas confidently, respectful, and effectively. Snowden (2015) maintains that through teamwork students learn that their voices are valued and respected which in tune build self-confidence be...
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