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Critically discuss the impact of COVID 19 on the Leadership & Management Practices within an organization (Essay Sample)

this assigment was given to write an essay on topic of Critically discuss the impact of COVID 19 on the Leadership & Management Practices within an organization of 2200 to 2500 words by using 35 sources in harvard style with desired time limit, as per client requirement of British Airways' L&M policies aligned with traditional leadership and management philosophies before and during the Covid-19 outbreak. Prior to the outbreak, BA's procedures focused on hierarchical leadership and centralized decision-making (Crowe, 2020). The contingency hypothesis emphasized operational efficiency and customer-centric practices. During the pandemic, adaptable and flexible leadership was crucial, with transformational leadership being essential for effective communication, inspiration, and encouragement (Fang, 2022). The consequences of Covid-19 required the implementation of crisis management strategies, such as the adaptive cycle model and other theories, to guide decision-making, resource management, and risk reduction (Chatzipanagiotou and Katsarou, 2023). source..
Assignment 2 - Critically discuss the impact of COVID 19 on the Leadership & Management Practices within an organizationBritish Airways (BA) CONTENTS TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u 1.INTRODUCTION PAGEREF _Toc138466055 \h 11.1 Aim of Study PAGEREF _Toc138466056 \h 11.2 Introduction to Organization PAGEREF _Toc138466057 \h 11.3 Methodology PAGEREF _Toc138466058 \h 22.CRITICALLY DISCUSS HOW COVID 19 IMPACTED ON THE LEADERSHIP & MANAGEMENT PRACTICES WITHIN THE ORGANISATION PAGEREF _Toc138466059 \h 22.1 Critically discuss the L&M Practices within the organisation: PAGEREF _Toc138466060 \h 22.1.1 L&M Practices within British Airways Prior to Covid-19 PAGEREF _Toc138466061 \h 32.1.2 Impact of Covid-19 PAGEREF _Toc138466062 \h 32.1.3 Socio-economic and Technical Context: PAGEREF _Toc138466063 \h 32.1.4 Drivers Underpinning L&M Practices PAGEREF _Toc138466064 \h 4External Drivers: PAGEREF _Toc138466065 \h 4Internal Drivers: PAGEREF _Toc138466066 \h 52.2 Critically discuss any emerging socio-economic and technological trends PAGEREF _Toc138466067 \h 63.CONCLUSION PAGEREF _Toc138466068 \h 83.1 Highlight of the key Leadership and Management Theories PAGEREF _Toc138466069 \h 83.2 Key emerging socio-economic and technical trends PAGEREF _Toc138466070 \h 8REFERENCES PAGEREF _Toc138466071 \h 9 1 INTRODUCTION The COVID-19 pandemic has profoundly impacted virtually all facets of human life worldwide. The impact of the phenomenon mentioned above on the well-being of individuals is readily apparent (Donaldson, 2018). However, it is worth noting that the resultant measures, such as lockdowns and social distancing, have also given rise to various challenges in the realm of economics (Formosa, 2021). The measures implemented by various nations to contain the spread of COVID-19, such as border closures, significantly impacted the travel and aviation industries. British Airways has been among the airlines that have experienced significant financial setbacks due to the COVID-19 pandemic (Slinger, 2022). The objective of the current study is to evaluate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the operational and financial performance of British Airways. Additionally, the study aims to analyze the strategies implemented by senior management to mitigate the adverse effects of the pandemic. 1.1 Aim of Study The present study aims to investigate the impact of COVID-19 on British Airways by evaluating the managerial strategies implemented by the organization to ensure customer satisfaction and financial stability. 1.2 Introduction to Organization British Airways (BA) is the official carrier of the United Kingdom, Established in 1933 and headquartered in Harmondsworth. Daily, there exist flights to nearly 400 destinations. The company has articulated its objective to become the most responsible airline in the world (Rhoades, 2016). British Airways adopts a distinctive operational approach that prioritizes providing top-notch services customized to meet the unique requirements of its clientele. Rather than predefining its actions, it espouses a philosophy contingent upon each circumstance's specific requirements (Dube, Nhamo and Chikodzi, 2021). The organization's primary objective is to establish itself as the leading airline in all markets worldwide. In order to attain the objective, the organization prioritizes providing superior services and promoting excellent performance from its personnel, as stated by Fowles and Edwards (2019). Over an extended period, the organization has dedicated significant resources towards delivering exceptional service to its clientele (Crowe, 2020). The ultimate objective is to enhance the organization's profitability by addressing the needs of its diverse customer base and creating novel revenue streams. The company's ascendancy to the apex of the aviation sector can be attributed significantly to the organization's unparalleled proficiency in the industry's essential skills (Phillips, 2019). The increase in the number of clients served can be attributed to the significant improvement in the benefits and capabilities provided by the companies. The organization strives to deliver superior services by implementing innovative methodologies and leveraging cutting-edge technologies. Moreover, the operational environment at BA has been effectively regulated owing to the company's proficiently established organizational framework (Macilree and Duval, 2020). 1.3 Methodology In order to attain the objective, the investigation will employ a qualitative research methodology, necessitating the utilization of dependable search engines such as Google Academic to procure extant scholarly literature, corporate annual reports, and other electronically published information (Golubeva, 2022). The question expert is employing subjective analysis, which relies on applying subjective judgment to determine the value or capability of a company based on intangible factors such as managerial expertise, leadership, industry dynamics, research and development, competitiveness, and working conditions (Phillips, 2014). In this particular instance, the expert is employing subjective analysis. The primary objective of subjective inquiry is to comprehend and assign meaning to phenomena instead of generating predictions or depictions of occurrences. This process is commonly referred to as understanding. In contrast, qualitative inquiry primarily focuses on unstructured data, while quantitative research relies on collected data. 2 CRITICALLY DISCUSS HOW COVID 19 IMPACTED ON THE LEADERSHIP & MANAGEMENT PRACTICES WITHIN THE ORGANISATION 2.1 Critically discuss the L&M Practices within the organization: The Covid-19 pandemic has had a huge influence on organizations throughout the world, necessitating significant modifications in management and leadership practices. British Airways (BA), a major player in the aviation industry, faced unprecedented challenges due to travel restrictions, decreasing demand, and operational disruptions (Nicolini, 2021). This paper critically analyses BA's L&M (Leadership and Management) procedures before and after the Covid-19 pandemic, considering the social and technical background and reasons (Zhang, 2020). It also connects these practices to relevant L&M ideas, offering information on the organization's responsiveness and adaptability. 2.1.1 L&M Practices within British Airways Prior to Covid-19 Before the pandemic, BA exhibited critical L&M behaviours consistent with widely held beliefs. The corporation prioritized a hierarchical leadership structure with clear lines of authority and central decision-making (Miller, 2022). Most strategic choices were taken by senior management, with middle management focusing on their execution. This method followed the traditional bureaucratic leadership mindset. BA also prioritized a customer-centric strategy and operational effectiveness (Morrow, 2019). The airline's management approach focused on cost management, efficient operations, and providing passengers first-rate services. This is consistent with the contingency theory's argument that efficient management approaches depend on the specific organizational situation (Amankwah-Amoah, 2020). 2.1.2 Impact of Covid-19 The arrival of the Covid-19 epidemic substantially affected BA's L&M processes. There was a considerable decline in demand for the aviation sector, fleets were grounded, and many travel restrictions were implemented. BA's crisis management and leadership practices had to be modified (Gualini, Zou and Dresner, 2023). BA's approach strongly emphasised the need for adaptable and agile leadership. The corporation was forced to act quickly in reaction to rapidly changing conditions. Amid adversity and uncertainty, managers who could effectively inspire and motivate employees were essential. BA also had to implement crisis management measures (Lowe, 2019). The airline faced unprecedented challenges, including financial duress, workforce reductions, and fleet consolidation (Crowe, 2020). When a crisis occurs, crisis management theories such as the adaptive cycle model emphasize the significance of making sound decisions, allocating resources, and managing risks. BA had to reconsider its cost-cutting strategies, negotiate with stakeholders, and develop new operational procedures to stay in business (Budd, Ison and Adrienne, 2020). 2.1.3 Socio-economic and Technical Context: The Covid-19 pandemic led to a severe global economic crisis, affecting the aviation industry. BA faced financial losses due to travel restrictions and reduced demand. The socioeconomic environment prompted a focus on financial sustainability, operational agility, and risk management (Kay McGlashan, 2018). The corporation had to restructure cost structures, develop backup plans, and adapt to changing market conditions. Technological advancements and digital transformation reduced the pandemic's impact on BA's L&M procedures. Remote work technologies and digital communication tools enabled virtual collaboration, increased staff engagement, and increased customer engagement. Additionally, contactless payment methods and digital check-ins ensured compliance with safety and health requirements (Morrow, 2019). 2.1.4 Drivers Underpinning L&M Practices External Drivers: British Airways faced external forces during the Covid-19 pandemic, affecting its leadership and management practices. Key elements included legal constraints, health requirements, and customer expectations (Kim et al., 2021). Government regulations and travel limitations impacted BA's business and services, forcing the group to adapt its leadership and management systems. Leaders had to manage government mandate compliance to ensure the organization's actions complied with evolving requirements (Suau-Sanchez, Voltes-Dorta and Cugueró-Escofet, 2020). . Leaders had to manage the difficulties of government mandate complia...
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