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Mental Health Case Study (Essay Sample)


Was supposed to analyse mental health with respect to (Alcohol Case Study)


Mental Health Case Study
(Alcohol Case Study)
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Mental Health Case Study (Alcohol Case Study)
Mental health is concerned with the mental disorder absence and the psychological well-being, this is mainly as reflected in the holism or what is known as the positive psychology perspectives. It has been noted that mental health influences the ability of a person to enjoy life, in the sense that an individual is in a position to balance the activities involved in life in enhancing psychological resilience. Mental health has lots to do with emotions and attitudes in meeting diverse demands in life. Alcoholism is part of the mental health (Anderson et al, 2012 p. 7). Alcoholism is uncontrolled and compulsive consumption of alcohol as noted with Michael in the case study.
Mental Health issues
Alcoholism is influencing the personal relationships of Michael, Brian and Julie; alcohol is also negatively influencing the health of Michael and demeaning the social standing of Michael in the society among other negative attributes. It is argued that mental health challenges are directly proportional to alcoholism. Individuals suffering from mental health challenges tend to abuse alcohol, while at the same time; alcoholism contributes to an equal share of problems in mental health. It can be argued that the challenges in mental health contribute significantly to alcoholism, and alcoholism has the ability of cultivating a number of problems in mental ill health (Anderson et al, 2012 p. 99).
Surveys have shown that a number of factors may be in play, this maybe from the genetic factors, which has the capability of leading to alcoholism or mental health challenges. It is argued that moderate and light consumption of alcohol has the ability of leading to some beneficial effects, this theory is still under investigation and conclusions may be published by the relevant authorities later. Heavy drinkers has irrational model of thinking, and they never admit their wrong doings. Taking a look at Michael, it has been noted that he has a drink driving charge and he is to face the court of law in the next month. In the reasoning of Michael, he overlooks the problem as normal and that he was caught by mistake, meaning that he has the capability of repeating the same mistake. Michael is not willing to discuss his problem with other people, not even with Julie and Brian. The fact that Michael ignores advises from his close friends, has a capability of leading to harm in the mental health.
Heavy drinking has a number of mental issues identifying with Dementia, which is the shrinking of the brain at as faster rate, Depression results in the sense that alcohol is used in self mediating in a way that it manages the emotional pain (Anderson et al, 2012 p. 131). Michael argues that he drinks to relax after a heavy day at work; nerve damage is part of the mental health issues, this is referred to as the alcoholic neuropathy in the human body. There are other mental health issues caused by alcoholism.
Social and cultural issues
Alcoholism has contributed to a number of complications in the social and cultural issues; it is argued that socio-cultural facts of alcoholism dates back to millions of years. Alcoholism in many communities in the world is part of intoxicating substances that are commonly used. Agriculture dates back to millions of years, with cultivation of barley taking shape, barley is manly used for brewing beer. Agriculture was part of human civilization; therefore it can be argued that alcoholism came with globalization and civilization.
It can be argued that consumption of beer in the evolution of human being was characterized with diverse benefits, although over drinking of alcohol becomes part of the negative social issues (Wright et al, 2008 p. 5). Drinking of beer in many communities in the world is a social activity, with the behaviors and the consumption of the beer to the individuals being set to self imposed social controls. In this cases study, it seems Michael has unlimited self control of alcoholism; in the sense that he continues to take Wine, Vodka and Scotch even at his house, to an extent that he fails to perform his duties as expected by Julie. It has been noted that Michael even passes out while watching television, Michael does not satisfy the sexual life with Julie. Alcoholism has resulted to a number of fights in the household. Julie as his partner is concerned with changing Michael’s lifestyle to regain the ‘real’ Michael.
Behavioral effects tagged to alcoholism reflect on cultural identities of the drinkers, different people have different ways of responding to stimuli. Alcoholism in many instances has been positively related with anti-social behaviors and violence in Western nations, while in other cultures, alcoholism has been identified with harmony and peace (Anderson et al, 2012 p. 104). The behavioral effects are related to the social norms, attitudes, expectancies and cultural beliefs of the individuals. Michael in this case study falls under the violent and antisocial behavior category. A number of cultural and social problems associated with alcoholism identifies with violence, crime, spousal abuse, disorder, accidents and diseases among others (Wilson & Smith, 2011 p. 200).
Michael’s Support
Michael is a heavy drinker, and knows that he has direct support from his partner Julie and Brian. Julie and Brian are concerned with the drinking habits of Michael to an extent that Julie wants to seek external assistance, the main challenge facing Julie is in that Michael is not willing to accept his behaviors, and has a strong belief that everyone else does as him. Acquiring alcohol support for Michael will require him to come to his senses in that he has a problem. Julie is sensitive on alcohol support, although she does not know where to start the process.
Surveys has shown that doing away with alcoholism is the hardest test of time (Pam, 2011 p. 2), in that Michael will always feel the urge of indulging into alcoholism, in a number of instances, Michael has found himself into trouble with the traffic offenses, and that he has received a number of warnings from Julie, Brian and other friends. For Michael to get the support, he must be honest with his drinking behaviors, and that he must be willing to share the problem with the right persons. It seems Michael’s body is fully booze dependent, meaning that counseling sessions would be critical in advising gradual consumption of alcohol while cutting down the quantity (Anderson et al, 2012 p. 140).
Professionals and agencies
There are a number of community alcohol service agencies in the local area with intentions of rehabilitating alcoholism. Michael would be subjected to a professional who would advise and follow up on Michael’s alcoholism lifestyle. Professionals and agencies are involved in one to one counseling, support groups and day center counseling among other models available in the market (Middelton-Moz & Dwinell, 2010 p. 241).
It has been noted that a number of professionals and agencies will administer medication to Michael in managing his alcoholism. Such medication identifies with chlordiazepoxide, which is a seductive that will allow Michael to gradually withdraw from the alcoholism symptoms. Some of the common symptoms with alcoholism identifies with vomiting, lack of sleep, anxiety, agitation, tremors, sweating, hallucinations, seizures and diarrhea among others (Anderson et al, 20...
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