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The Doctor Movie (Essay Sample)


This was a medical perspective to movie review. The students were asked to review a movie in respect to various subheading. the article describes how Dr jack changes after he has had a test of his own medicine. it shows how he change after being sick.


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This article represents a review on care on the movie the doctor by William hurt. This movie, which shows conversion Jack from a non-compassionate to compassionate doctor, shows the evolvement of care from the undesired care to desired care. In the article, Jacks theory of care is looked into and how he treated patients, family and interns before he got cancer and after he became sick. Besides, Jack is ranked according to Eric Erickson’s stages of emotional development at the ego integrity versus despair. In addition the non-compassionate attitude of Jack at the beginning of the movie and how it changed to compassionate. Finally, this article describes strategies to overcome the poor practice depicted in the doctor.
Keywords: Eric Erickson, theory of care, attitude, the doctor
The doctor revolves around the practice and lives of Jack mckee a successful heart surgeon. Despite this, he treats his patients with sarcasm and disrespect, he is detached from family and teaches students with flawless. However, the events of life overturn, Jack is forced to view life from the patient’s perspective after he faces a life-threatening tumor. In this state, he meets a chronically ill patient by the name June who is encouraged to help is after this Jack starts to realize the necessity of showing kindness to patients in the practice. He then commits to serve his patient and family with compassion if he survives the tumor more compassion if he survives.
The theory of care according to Jack
According to care provided by Jack care should be individual based. Initially, he teaches the interns that care is about getting to the patient fixing the patient's problem and get out(Randa, 1991). This means the patient and the caregiver should not be in contact emotionally. Besides he discourages against getting too close to the people one cares for as such will demean science. This is also portrayed in the way he treats the family and other health care staff. Literally, Jack`s theory of care can be equated to the care of patients as a name on the name list. Besides, jacks theory of care shows egocentrism even to what Jack teaches interns.However, this changes when Jack becomes sick, it is during this time that he emphasizes empathy and compassionate care. According to the new theory of care, care should cater for the particular needs of the patient
Jacks stage in life according to Erickson's theory
Jack in the doctor is portrayed as a person in the stage of Ego integrity versus despair according to Eric Erickson` theory of emotional development. Jack is a successful surgeon being among the best heart surgeon at his hospital, in addition, he has achieved quite a lot in the society both materialistically and family wise. This makes him treat the patients as a person who is detached from them; in addition, his theatre is very casual and has very loud country and rock music(Randa, 1991). Furthermore, his teaching portrays him as a person who has achieved a lot and does not want to be associated with others. This explains an egocentric who does not care to be associated with others due to achievements in life. However, at the sick bed, Jack realizes the need to be considerate to others since he feels how bad he treated his patients, family, and interns. In fear that he will die uncaring doctor, he vows to commit to care of the patient if he recovers from his illness
Jack`s attitude in the movie and how it evolved after illness
The doctor potrays jack as a person of two but very different attitudes, one at the start of the movie and another at the end. Initially, Jack is displays dispassionate surgeon attitude, which is contemporary to the healthca...
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