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An important and significant challenge to multi-national enterprises is the understanding of culture when conducting international business. (Essay Sample)

This essay critically examines the statement, "An important and significant challenge to multinational enterprises is the understanding of culture when conducting international business." Which delves into various academic theories and models which for the purpose of this essay are considered to be Cultural Dimensions Theory of Hofstede, Trompenaars Model of National Culture Differences, Context Theory of Hall and the GLOBE Study in order to explore the intricacies and implications of cultural understanding in international business contexts source..
Global Strategy and Sustainability Assessment 2: Sustainability Plan Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Introduction PAGEREF _Toc155451252 \h 3Sustainability Activity 1 PAGEREF _Toc155451253 \h 3Sustainaibility activity 2 PAGEREF _Toc155451254 \h 4Sustainaibility activity 3 PAGEREF _Toc155451255 \h 5GMOA and sustainability PAGEREF _Toc155451256 \h 6Conclusion PAGEREF _Toc155451257 \h 7References PAGEREF _Toc155451258 \h 8 Introduction As InTunes ventures into Germany, the essence of this expansion lies not only in the pursuit of market share but in the conscious integration of sustainable practices as well. InTunes recognizes that harmonizing with the environment and local communities is not just ethical but is also a strategic imperative. This sustainability plan is a testament to the commitment to not only deliver exceptional musical instruments but to do so in a manner that respects the planet and its inhabitants (Schippers, H. and Grant, 2016). Central to InTunes' sustainable international growth strategy is the strategic partnership with Thomann which not only opens doors to a broader market but also provides invaluable insights into sustainable sourcing, reducing carbon emissions, and minimizing waste in the context of musical instrument production which would foster a culture of sustainability within the musical community. This holistic approach underscores InTunes' unwavering commitment to a sustainable future, harmonizing the art of music with environmental responsibility (Thomann, 2023). Sustainability Activity 1 A pivotal role is being played by the selection and use of materials in producing the musical instruments. Thorlakson et al. (2018) has stated that sustainably sourcing the materials is one of the important environmental goals being followed around the world which resonates profoundly with the increasingly changing consumer preferences for ethically produced goods. Responsibly harvesting the wood for musical instruments will not only safeguard the ecosystem but will also ensure a positive role played by the company towards the economy hence a multifaceted approach can be adopted by the company for sourcing the materials. This will require the company to conduct extensive examination of the entire supply chain processes by scrutinising the respective transportation methods, comprehensively assessing the practices of the suppliers and last but not the least is analysis of impact on environment specifically of raw materials extraction (Dawe, 2015). Moreover, for further sustainable sourcing InTunes can probe for worldwide known certification programs through which it can focus on sustainable goals and can take relevant initiatives such as Forest Stewardship Council (ESC) certification specifically for sourcing of wood. Such certification turns out to be key components for adhering to sustainability practices while verifying programs and providing transparency (Romero et al., 2017; Weng and Chen, 2020). In order to minimise the environmental footprints further, InTunes can heavily invest on research and innovative techniques which would indicate the exploration of substitute processes and materials. This strategy would definitely require testing of unique manufacturing techniques as well as the recycled materials experiments. Of the various strategic moves of InTunes, the significant one till now is partnering with Thomann as its strategic partner for fulfilling its sustainability sourcing commitment. The overall sustainability approach would be improved with sharing of ideas, opinions and knowledge between Thomann and InTunes experts. Furthermore, to create awareness among consumers and improving the brand image in the context of sourcing of sustainable materials in the music industry, coordinated marketing efforts and collaborations can be made to emphasize the joint commitment towards sustainability. This strategy of InTunes can be benefiting it in gaining growth on international levels, and make a socially responsible and environmentally conscious company (Thorlakson et al., 2018). Sustainaibility activity 2 With regards to the Sustainability Activity 2, InTunes shall be developing a multifaceted technique across its entire value chain to minimise the footprints of carbon through which a comprehensive assessment of distribution as well as manufacturing processes can be undertaken, in which the significant areas of carbon emissions would not only be identified but also would be quantified which has also been emphasized by Malmodin and Lundén (2018). The whole process of extracting the raw materials to the production, packaging and transportation would be examined through this comprehensive examination which will involve value chain analysis while identifying the processes generating carbon footprint along the value chain. Apart from this, the company will monitor the carbon emissions generated through the activities of the company and therefore minimise them over time. With regards to the productions InTunes can implement proactive eco-friendly practices to curtail energy consumptions. The carbon emissions can be reduced inherently by involving green technologies and energy efficient machineries to promote a positive shift in production practices and sustainable materials. Furthermore, the commitment of InTunes is not only limited to sustainable sourcing but also covers the exploration of new and unique manufacturing techniques, which can assist in providing excellent quality based musical instruments of InTunes while preferring the sustainable environment. These carbon contributions and the current methods are often analysed critically, when these eco-conscious ethos moves towards the consideration of transports (Li et al., 2022). For the distribution of musical instruments, InTunes can ensure the use of hybrid or electric vehicles. The dual emphasis on minimizing fuel consumption and travel distances will optimise the transportation systems and align the commitment of the company towards sustainable goals. Moreover, departing from the conventional energy grids, InTunes is moving towards sustainable energy alternatives with regards to its manufacturing facilities. In order to assure the resource conversion as well as maximum efficiency, InTunes has already integrated smart technologies to control the usage of energy and monitor it effectively (Thorlakson et al., 2018). This comprehensive assessment is aligning InTunes with environmental stewardship and sustainable goals. InTunes with the increasing awareness among consumers is not only enhancing its brand reputation but also saving the costs by employing long-term environmental friendly and efficient business models (Paparoidamis and Tran, 2019). Sustainaibility activity 3 With regards to sustainability activity 3 which is based on waste reduction. For the production and packaging processes of InTunes, it would aim to conduct a multifaceted analysis of waste management. At each and every level a comprehensive assessment would be organized from employing and crafting of raw materials to the final distribution of packaging of musical instruments. Further in order to ensure an environmentally responsible and sustainable production cycle, it is aiming to evaluate areas to reduce the waste while conducting a comprehensive audit. For the both production and packaging waste, strategic initiatives are being taken for the waste reduction (Song and Yu, 2018). Moreover, for crafting of instruments alternative materials which are durable, eco-friendly and possess quality are being considered. The manufacturing principles and lean integration is aiming to utilise resources, optimize them and reduce the consumption of excess materials. For the recycling of materials, initiatives are being considered for reuse materials. Utilization of wood scraps for secondary purposes within the production facility, implementation of internal processes for the manufacturing of byproducts are the initiatives being considered for materials recycling. InTunes with regards to sustainability, it is initiating programs for old instruments recycling, by fostering responsible disposable practices, minimizing environmental impact and staying upfront to its commitment to circular economy principles for the musical industry disposable. Moreover, InTune’s is providing a policy of exploration and exchanging old musical instruments with new ones recycling as a component of waste reduction strategy (Nižetić et al., 2019). GMOA and sustainability The assessment findings reveal that a well sorted plan has been developed by the company in order to integrate sustainability practices with the GMOA framework diligently by conducting multifaceted examination and to capitalize on the international growth opportunities. Further, it reveals that global growth is not embarked on the basis of economic advancement although it is one of the significant factors, it is achieved on the fulfillment of commitment and goals by intricating the landscape of musical traditions and diverse cultures (Stafford-Smith et al., 2017). During the company analysis, the challenges along with opportunities of international market were evaluated, and were aligned with sustainability goals respectively. The analysis results in the first part of the assignment reveal that InTunes will be in a position to gain huge respect and become socially responsible company by employing ethical business practices which would impact the environment positively. Thomann being a strategic partner of InTunes allows the company to align with sustainability goals and achieve them (Stafford-Smith et al., 2017). This strategic partnership of Thomann and InTune is serving as a backbone and is assisting InTunes in achieving its sustainability goals instead of dealing as conventional partners. This has been one of the biggest opportunities for InTunes to benefit from Thomann with its ethical and sustainable operations, along with ...
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