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Social Media Marketing assignment plus slides (Essay Sample)

Social media plan for brand awareness We shall create educational content on Facebook Pinterest Instagram …and raise awareness of brand We shall collaborate with: Sustainable fashion advocate groups and individuals Influencers So as to spread the sustainability message. We will Run targeted ads to reach our target audience and increase brand visibility. Social media plan for community engagement User-Generated content will be encouraged through running campaigns and contests to encourage clients and encourage customers on sharing sustainable stories and tag our brand. Prompt responses to customer querries and comments on social media so ass to build trust. WE shall host webinars and live sessions to educate the audience on sustainable fashion practices Social media plan for product promotion We shall Collaborate with sustainability influencers to create content to showcase our products and their sustainable features. We shall Run exclusive social media discounts and offers so as cheer up our customers to try our products and promote them to their followers. Social media plan for customer retention and loyalty We shall implement customer loyalty programs that rewards customers for their repeat purchases and referrals. We shall Share customer stories, reviews on social media to build credibility and trust. We shall regularly engage with customers via surveys polls and interactive content to understand their preferences and tailor our products and services accordingly. source..
Social Media Marketing Student Name: Instructor: Tracy Gallagher Date Assessment Task Part 1 (30%) 1 Research the organization Under Armour and critically evaluate the role that brand identity plays in communicating effectively with target audience on social media. (approx. 350 words) Under Armour is a leading sports apparel and athletic equipment organization which has rose in the recent years. The brand has strategically positioned itself for the market via with a very strong social media presence through which it connects with its targeted audience and also clearly communicates the brand identity (Under Armour, 2022). Brand identity plays a very critical role in shaping the thinking and perception of the consumer and the view one has towards a product. Social media platforms provide a very ideal platform in brand forecasting and identity. In Under Armour, brand identity plays very central role in effectively communicating with Under Armors ’target audience on social media. One element of this brand’s identity is that Under Armour focuses on empowering athletes while promoting a message of determination and perseverance. Under Amour’s adverts and social media content features most elite athletes and their very inspiring stories of how challenges can be overcome (Under Armour and the brand identity prism, 2017). Ther highlight of such stories, the brand is well able to connect with the targeted sporting audience who often likes fitness and sports. The brand communicates effectively with the social media audience by showcasing struggles as well as achievements of such athletes which lets the social media followers and subscribers to greatly relate to such stories and get inspired. Again, Under Armour utilizes different social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram in promoting its commitment to technology and innovation. Through the social media, the company shares the insights and updates regarding its new technologies and new products such as high-performance sneakers and the moisture-wicking fabric (Tushnet, 2023). Again Under Armour collaborates with other designers or brands in creating limited-edition collections which resonate with particular target audiences. For instance, Under Armour collaborates with Tim Coppens, a fashion designer in creating unique and stylish collections. Such collaborations and also the use of brand influencers helps the brand identity to effectively communicate with target audience. The company also uses User-generated and interactive content on social media to engage its audience. Again, the brand runs challenges and contests on social media platforms where users are encouraged to take part and share their experiences on Under Armour products (Thau, 2019). In conclusion, brand identity plays a very central role in how Under Armour communicates its brand with its target audience on different social media platforms. The focus of the brand empowerment, engagement and innovation is in resonation with the brand followers and it helps to build a strong loyal customer base. By the effective telling the brand using influencer stories, Under Armour is able to showcase its brand and connect with the audience and differentiate itself from competitors in the sportswear industry. 2 Brand storytelling reinforces brand identity and brand voice. Content should create consistent, positive brand associations. Evaluate how storytelling at Under Armour has become a crucial part of their social media marketing campaigns. (approx. 350 words) Storytelling has become a very central mechanism in Under Armor’s social media marketing campaigns, which permits the brand to reinforce its voice and identity in creating consistency, positive brand associations (Roy, 2019). Story telling is effectively used in this sportswear company in a variety of way: First Under Armour uses story telling in sharing inspiring stories of athletes, their challenges, how they overcame them and also how they have achieved great success (Brand Voice, n.d). In the company’s social media spaces, the company displays the journeys of the athletes, their unrelenting dedication, and determination while relating these stories to their values and products of the brand (Petty, 2016). Under Armour engages its audience to create a sense of motivation and inspiration by relating such stories to their values and products which greatly helps in building positive associations with the brand and customers linking them to Armour’s Products. Again, Under Armour highlights real-life scenarios in storytelling to connect with its clientele on a more personal level. Such scenarios are usually for regular people or dedicated athletes who are in preparation for competitions (Moin, 2020). These stories are used to create relatability thus presenting unique authentic experiences for the products and the brand (Under Armour and the brand identity prism, 2017). Again, Under Armour integrates brand values in story telling which aligns with the brand values of empowerment, determination and perseverance (Under Armour, 2022; Kreutzer, 2018). They do so by using athletes who make positive impact to society apart from excelling in sport such as those who advocate for giving back to the community, equality and inclusivity. This way the company reinforces the brand quality and offers quality products standing up for social responsibility and advocating for positive change (Dingeldeiet al, 2023 and Hilker,2017). In conclusion, storytelling is very crucial at Under Armour media campaigns. By sharing inspiring stories of athletes, highlighting real life stories of other people and integrating brand values; the company effectively communicates the brand voice and identity. Such techniques of storytelling create consistency in the positive brand image building strong connections with clients and reinforcing the company’s position in sports. Assessment Task Part 2 (15%) During class time each student must deliver a 5-minute presentation (oral only, no PowerPoint) to the class. Student should briefly outline their business idea and their proposed social media plan for that business. Students will review each other’s plan and offer their thoughts and constructive criticism. There will be a brief Q&A session facilitated by classmates. More specific details and dates will be outlined in class at a later date. Business Idea: to start a clothing brand that focuses on sustainable and eco-friendly fashion. Assessment Task Part 3 – Written report with eportfolio link– (55%) Developing your business idea further, create a social media campaign that could be used in the early stages of your startup. Include in your word document the following information (approx. 800 words) * 3 Social media objectives * Increasing brand awareness: This social media campaign aims to introduce my ecofriendly and sustainable clothing brand to a broad audience so as to generate interest and attract potential customers to the brand. * Driving more web traffic- My objective is to drive more people to our website where the customers are able to see and learn about the brand and explore the product offerings and become potential buyers or make purchases so as to heighten chances of conversions of individuals into customers. * Building a community- My brand aims at fostering a community like-minded person who are zealous about ecofriendly and sustainable fashion so that by encouraging and engaging them to share their journeys on fashion, I can create loyalty and a sense of belonging to our customer base. * Identify your target audience - justify your choices. Write 2 personas. My sustainable and ecofriendly clothing brand is primarily composed of consumers who are environmentally conscious and also are fashion-minded. They have a priority in sustainability and they love brands which align with their values. Two personas who are my key target audience are a). Eco-conscious Emily- Age: 27; Gender: Female; Occupation: Marketing Manager. Her lifestyle entails very high desire for environmental consciousness and she always looks for different ways to live sustainably and minimize carbon footprint. She has value for durable and quality clothes which she puts on and she has preference for brands which adopt practices which are ethical. She is very active on social media and she has followership on influencers who promote styles which are eco-friendly. B0. Conscious Chris- Aged 35, occupation-software is software engineer; and his lifestyle is that he is a conscious consumer and he is pragmatic. Chris believes in making decisions and choices which have positive impact on the society and environment. He has appreciation for stylish clothing and comfortable living and wants to ensure that his fashion is ethically designed from materials which are sustainable. He has a following on social media news and pages which have sustainable emerging practices. The two persons are a good representation of my target audience since they are persons who prioritize sustainability and have interest in fashion. My brand will thus be aimed at understanding and catering for the needs of such personas in order to have effective connection with audience. * Briefly outline key branding message and brand voice Key branding message: ‘sustainable fashion for a bright and secure future. My aim is to convey sustainability in style so that they can flow together by choosing a brand and customers who can contribute to an ethical and greener world. I aim to inspire people towards making positive change in the fashion industry through supporting ethical practices. Brand voice – My brand is inspiring, informative and authentic. I want to establish myself as a knowledgeable information source regarding ecofriendly and sustainable fashion. I will assume a friendly and approachable tone to engage the audience and make sustainable fashion accessible to every person...
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