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Sustainable Strategies for Future Growth (Essay Sample)

Write a report on Danone examining sustainable strategies for future growth addressing the following 6 key questions using the case evidence and other evidence available: What should Danone's value proposition be in the medium term? (Note: Your analysis should explore its value proposition, its customer segments, its markets as appropriate.) What are the key opportunities and threats that Danone will face into the future? (Note: Your analysis should include an external analysis exploring factors in Danone's wider environment and its industry/market environment. ) What are the key strengths that Danone needs to build sustainable strategies for future growth ? (Note: Your analysis should conduct an internal analysis to carefully consider the uniqueness of the resources and capabilities of Danone and the strengths and weaknesses of its business model to drive future growth.) Describe Danone’s International strategy and identify potential sustainable strategies for growth into the future. Comment on how Danone’s strategy aligns with the ethical and CSR concerns in its internal and external environment. Finish by concluding on how well Danone is positioned to deal with VUCA environment? Word Limit: 2,500 max (not including Appendices), 1 e-copy, typed with 2 spacing. Your title page should include, project, name & ID, lecturer’s names, class, word count and submission date. PLEASE USE APPENDICES for further explanation of analysis and diagrams. 1. Read the questions carefully. Ensure that you address all parts of the question. 2. To achieve a 2H1 or higher you will need to show a good knowledge of the frameworks/ theories you have chosen to answer the questions above and an ability to apply these frameworks using supporting evidence. 3. You will need to gather information about Danone and its operations. Sources of information include the following: The library subscribes to several databases which provides full-text access to company reports. These include Business Source Complete, NEXIS UK, Marketline Advantage and Passport etc.  Passport - International statistical information and market analysis. Access information by country, company, consumer market, etc. Provides business intelligence on countries, consumers and industries. ame=Default&ActionName=Index  Business Source Complete Provides full text access to approximately 3,600 academic journals covering accounting, agriculture, banking, economics, finance, human resources, international business, law, management, marketing, psychology, sociology and more. This is available on the library website, see 3' target="_blank">  ABI–INFORM is a search engine, contains full text articles from approximately 1000 international journals covering business and management and related functional area. This is available on the library website, see  NEXIS UK is the single most powerful global news and business information service. The exclusive combination of over 20,000 sources of authoritative news, company, financial and market research data allows you to stay informed and to have total confidence in your decisions. http://0- 3630236  Henry Stewart Talks: Business & Management contains over 1,300 specially commissioned, multi-media, online lectures and case studies by experts from academia, industry and commerce.  SAGE Business Cases is a digital collection of business cases – providing faculty, students and researchers with unlimited access to more than 3,650 authoritative cases from over 100 countries. Newspapers are a good source of materials. Other sources include published case studies either on competitor firms, the industry or on the firm itself (see your course outline for helpful references). 4. All references including sources of data available on the web or published material must be cited in a bibliography using Harvard Referencing Style – see canvas.nalysis and diagrams I have attached material that you can use and a tutorial going over how to answer each question.' target="_blank"> source..
Danone: Sustainable Strategies for Future Growth Project: Student Name & ID Lecturer’s Name Class #Word Count: Submission Date Introduction Danone is one of the largest and leading multinational food companies globally based in Paris, France. It was founded in 1919 and is listed in the Euronext Paris being a component of the CAC 40 Stock market indexing. AS at 2023, Danone’s products are consumed in over 120 countries. Danone is a very prominent advocate for stakeholder capitalism as well as sustainability practices with highly responsible sourcing and operational practices which the company integrates as part of its strategy aimed at promoting working conditions which are decent, ethical behavior as well as practices which are environmentally responsible. In 2022, Danone made a world record as the first food company to cut of methane emissions by 30% in accordance to the Global Methane Pledge of COP26. Danone thrives on the leading of its purpose ‘bringing health via food to as many people as possible ‘(Santora, 2023). While doing so, Donane integrates phycological, emotional and socio-cultural aspects in relation to dietary practices all over the world. Donane has a very rich history which dates back in 1919 upon its founding and it has in time embraced a mantra of ‘one planet, one health’ and has solidly and continues to align with its sustainable developmental goals which again are in tandem with the UN agenda. Altogether, Danone has had its ups and downs and recent challenges inclusive of change in leadership as well as pressure from investors and activists have brought about questions in regard to the organization’s future strategies of growth. This report adopts a case Santora (2023) and other case studies on Danone to examine the company’s sustainable strategies for future growth while analyzing howe well the company is positioned in navigating the fast-paced and changing business landscape (Sharma, 2023). Through an evaluation of its competitive position, financial performance and initiatives on the lenses of appropriate theories and frameworks, this offers insights for recommendations as regarding the trajectory of organization’s sustainable growth. 1 Danone's value proposition in the medium term In order to analyze Danone’s value proposition in the medium term, the Business Model Canvas can be adopted as the best model so as to analyze the company’s value propositions, its customer segments and its markets so as to have a clear grasp of how the company creates and delivers value (Lesser & Gagnon, 2021). Value proposition: Danone’s value proposition also includes chiefly three main areas: First is a focus on responsible and sustainable practices which have got a great appeal to customers whose priorities are becoming social and environmental consciousness. Secondly, Danone gives nutritious and healthy products with great emphasis on nutritional value and quality of products positioning the company as a great choice for consumer’s well-being (INSEAD, 2022). Thirdly, the company provides trusted and safe options with a focus on reliability for families, children and all people who have value for healthy consumption. Customer Segments: Currently Danone is serving three main customer lines inclusive of the sustainability-conscious customers which is quite a growing segment with different brands beginning to adopt products which align with their values being highly interested in environmentally friendly sourcing and packaging. Secondly, Danone serves parent and families with products for children at all ages and parents who have value for nutritious consumptions for their families (INSEAD, 2022). Thirdly, Danone’s has a customer line comprised of the health-conscious consumers who have priority for healthy and nutritious foods and beverages. These have particular dietary preferences such as lactose-free intakes. Market analysis: Donane is operational within the global food and beverages market and more particularly in specialized nutrition, waters, plant-based and dairy products. Danone have a consideration of several market trends: First is the increasing demand for plant-based and vegan foods (Appendix A & B) alternatives which has been brought up by the increasing awareness for environmental impact in terms of animal agriculture and thus there is the growing demand for plant-based dairies thus the company should progressively invest so as to innovate its plant-based products to meet this segment of the market(Sharma, 2023). Secondly, Danone flows with the growing interest in fortified and functional foods whereby consumers are developing greater interest for products which give surplus health benefits such as vitamins and probiotics. In this area the company should capitalize on promoting functional products within its specialized nutrition segment. Thirdly is eco-friendly and sustainable packaging through which the growing concern of plastic pollution, Danone can only go on sustainable solutions on packaging biodegradable, recyclable materials in order to align with the sustainability-conscious customers (Appendix C). Therefore, on the basis of this analysis- Danone’s value proposition should robustly revolve around a continuous focus on sustainable and responsible practices such as responsible sourcing, eco-friendly packaging etc so as to differentiate itself from competitors. Secondly, Danone should enhance its reputation for reliability and safety through maintaining commitment on its offerings (Lahiri, n..d). Third the company should strengthen its place in the plant-based market by investing in R &D so as to have a diverse range of products which meet the dietary preferences of customers. Further the company should have a focus on nutrition and health so as to cater for the huge chunk of health-conscious customers. 2 Key opportunities and threats that Danone will face into the future A full glimpse of Danone’s key opportunities as well as threats that the company has to overcome in the future calls for a Pestle and Porter’s Five force analysis. 1 Danone PESTEL Analysis: Political: The company operates in many countries and it is affected by trade policies, labeling requirements, food regulations etc. Opportunities are likely to arise from the initiatives of government in line with promoting sustainable and healthy eating practices. Economic: Danone’s business is impacted by economical factors such as consumer patterns of spending, inflation rates, GDP growth etc. Opportunities are likely to show up from emerging markets with increased disposable income and middle-class populations. Sociocultural: The changing trend of consumption is gravitating towards sustainable options which presents opportunities for Danone with societal concerns like ethical sourcing, animal welfare and food waste becoming a challenge to the business in future (INSEAD-A, 2022). Technological: Technological advancements can aid product development, supply chain management as well as manufacturing processes thus the company can leverage for digital marketing, production efficiency and sustainable practices of farming. Environmental: The increasing consciousness of climate change and environmental concerns brings about opportunities for Danone to strengthen its commitment towards sustainability. The company’s emphasis on carbon reduction, packaging, sustainable sourcing is in tandem with the increasing demand for eco-friendly products. Legal: Compliance with regulations on food safety, labor laws and protection on intellectual property is very important for the company since changes on advertising, labeling and ingredients have great impact on the product portfolio and market strategies (Barakat Consulting, 2023). 2.Danone Porter's Five Forces Analysis: Threat of New Entrants: The food industry has low entry barriers, yet Danone’s strong brand recognition, extensive network of distribution and economies of scale are great barriers to new entrants. Suppliers bargaining power: Danone has strong relations with suppliers and can leverage its buying power so as to secure favorable terms. Bargaining Power of Buyers: The food industry has cut-throat competition with buyers having broad choices and with Danone’s capability to differentiate its products offering and keep a strong brand loyalty is a key determinant on prices it gives to buyers. Threats of substitutes: With availability of a wide variety of substitute products in the food industry, Danone has a great focus on product innovation and diversification which helps to mitigate threat of being substituted. Competitive Rivalry: There is stiff competition from other food companies like Unilever and Nestle yet this is dependent on the level of marketing efforts, pricing strategies and product differentiation (MBA Skool Team, 2022). From the above PESTEL and Porter forces analysis, Danone has its key opportunities as the growing awareness and demand for sustainable and healthier foods (Appendix A & B), technological advancements give space for operational efficiency and more innovation. However, on the downside Danone needs more efforts to navigate through threats such as intense competitive industry, regulatory changes and changing consumer preferences. By leveraging more on its sustainable practices which gives it a strong brand reputation, the company is able to capitalize on opportunities and overcome threats. 2 Key strengths that Danone needs to build sustainable strategies for future growth In order to analyze on the key strengths which Danone needs to leverage and build sustainable strategies for its future growth, the Resource-Based View (RBV) framework can be utilized. The RBVC framework takes the perspective that in order for Danone to maintain its score, then its sustained competitive advantage is built on its valuable, rare, inimitable and non-substitutable resources...
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