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SHRM (Essay Sample)

Strategic human resource management (SHRM) strives to develop the organizational capability to respond to change and goals of an organization by managing the human resources efficiently. It seeks to focus on better human resource practices that can help the organization to achieve its strategic goals. Additionally, SHRM is crucial for aligning HRM strategy with the overall business model source..
Task 1 Strategic human resource management (SHRM) strives to develop the organizational capability to respond to change and goals of an organization by managing the human resources efficiently (Rees & Smith, 2017). It seeks to focus on better human resource practices that can help the organization to achieve its strategic goals. Additionally, SHRM is crucial for aligning HRM strategy with the overall business model (Lengnick & Legnick, 2018). With reference to the case study, the university is facing several HR issues as a consequence of internal and external factors. Primarily, the workforce lacks motivation and commitment to perform their work activities because the university has failed to create a healthy organizational culture, motivate the workforce, offer competitive wages, and implement training programs to enhance the skills and competencies of the workforce. SHRM argues that human capital is important for firms since it allows firms to utilize the skills and knowledge of individuals to improve productivity and enhance its profitability (Lengnick & Legnick, 2018). With reference to the case study, the university has failed to take adequate measures to respond to the needs of the workforce in a strategic way. The result is that the workforce lacks motivation to complete work activities at peak levels while they remain dissatisfied with the rewards system. Lack of motivation can reduce the ability of workforce to perform at peak levels. They will lack the interest and passion to improve their productivity (Lengnick & Legnick, 2018). The workforce has perceptions that the management is unconcerned about their needs and requirements with the result that productivity is reduced in the work environment. Students are dissatisfied with the administrative and business functions of the university as they find delays in application processes, lack of support from staff regarding their queries, and ineffective management that is unable to respond to their needs. SHRM argues that firms need to develop appropriate strategies that help the workforce to respond to the needs of customers that are important for growth and competitive advantage (Lengnick & Legnick, 2018). Task 2 A healthy organizational culture needs to be created to respond to employee and student concerns (Boxall, 2018). The culture needs to promote well-being and health of the workforce through an open culture that rewards initiatives and allows the workforce to express their views about business processes. Allowing the workforce freedom is beneficial because it enables them to work at optimum levels. They will be able to develop integrated strategies so that they can improve their productivity and output (Boxall, 2018). The upper management must demonstrate commitment towards the organizational culture by becoming exemplary role models. Commitment from the upper management proves that they are sincere about change and implementing new policies that will benefit the key stakeholders (Boxall, 2018). The upper management needs to work towards creating a vision for change that can bring the benefits for everyone. The culture should share information with employees and allow them to participate in decision making processes. They should be given autonomy to perform work activities so that they can take ownership and responsibility for their actions (Boxall, 2018). The strategy of the firm should be to promote teamwork so that teams can collaborate towards specific goals. Mutual trust and respect under minimum supervision will assist the firm in achieving its goals. It will be able to focus on achieving long-term growth and development through the use of integrated strategies (Boxall, 2018). The development of a healthy organizational culture is important for the organization as it will lead to sound outcomes. The university can solve many of its HR issues through the development of a healthy and vibrant organizational culture. Another strategy is to focus on creating a performance management system that rewards the hard work and initiatives of the workforce. A performance management system should give adequate rewards to top performing employees. Financial rewards must be accompanied by respect, recognition, and appreciation of work activities. Positive feedback can help the workforce to complete their work activities efficiently (Boxall, 2018). They will be able to work at peak levels according to the strategic goals of the organization. Task 3 One barrier that might be faced by the university in implementing the HR poli...
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