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Team Effectiveness at Workplace (Essay Sample)

Nowadays, organizations in almost all fields are highly depending on teams. Managing teams effectively within a multi-cultural environment is challenging and managers should give high attention to different factors that enhance team effectiveness. Apply the topic to a workplace environment. Conduct research on team effectiveness looking for examples of effective/ineffective teams. You can refer to an example from ADNOC In the discussion, you can use the figure on the “Team Effectiveness Model” Attached - Ch10 - slide 11 .. to guide you with the factors you can look for. 1. Analyze the team’s context, composition and processes; looking into how it helped or hindered team performance. The below link provides good information on why teams may fail and may serve as another guide on the different topics you need to look at in your analysis. (Browse through the different topics on the top left for more insight). (Link: Hint: Not all of the above factors in each box maybe applicable to your example, but it would be good to relate and apply to whatever you see relevant or impacting the team performance. 2. In addition to the team effectiveness model above, look into factors that affect motivation among the team. Try to relate to the relevant motivation theories if applicable. 3. In case your example is discussing ineffective team performance, provide recommendations to what can be done to enhance the team effectiveness in light of the concepts discussed in the unit. Suggest new practices or policies that can be implemented, explaining why you think it should help in improving performance. Demonstrate an exemplary ability to analyse, comprehend, and link example(s) to the full demands of the question Write in simple english language any number of references source..
TEAM EFFECTIVENESS By (Name) Course/Code Professor University City, State Date Team Effectiveness Most organizations have adopted the agile operational framework. The model stresses the need for managers to foster interaction with employees. Teamwork is the backbone on which the success of an organization is grounded. There are challenges likely to be faced in managing staff members and realizing their constant interaction. Globalization is one of the forces that has affected firms. Even though its impact on business has been overwhelmingly positive, there are multicultural issues, such as language, values, and preferences, likely to hinder effective teamwork. Organizations with sound teamwork processes and practices are more likely to realize their corporate goals than those that embrace individualism. Team Context, Composition, and Process Team Context The success of a team depends on the willingness of the involved parties to work together to realize personal and corporate goals. The group of focus is employees in the sales department at the ADNOC. The latter is a world leader in the production of oil and petroleum products. The analysis pays attention to examining the effectiveness of the company’s sales teams and establishing their degree of collaboration and close working relationships. According to Management Study Guide (2022), a team is likely to realize the set goals when they are willing to collaborate, share skills and knowledge, and effectively manage the conflicts likely to result from their interaction (para 4). Thus, the ADNOC’s sales unit has one of the best effective teams likely to foster the success of the firm. Two major contextual factors make the teams effective. The first is leadership and structure in the organization. From the team effective model, groups are effective when subjected to the right leadership and structure (Chapter 10 nd, slide 11). The ADNOC’s culture stresses a democratic and participatory leadership style that allows employees to interact through an agile operational framework. According to ADNOC (n.d.), the leaders are required to refrain from limiting employee interaction and needed to cultivate an environment that fosters the interaction of employees and the management (para 4). Such approach is an effective strategy for fostering team effectiveness, considering that it allows the staff to interact and share experiences that later improve their competence (Gemeda & Lee 2020, p. 5). In this way, the success of the sales and marketing team is attributed to the sound leadership and organizational structure that stress interaction. The second factor that makes ADNOC’s sales team effective is the performance evaluation and reward system. The team effectiveness model proposes that staff members in an organization are effective when there is fair performance evaluation and when the employees are assured of rewards for their satisfactory performance (Chapter 10 nd, slide 11). In all departments of the ADNOC, there is regular performance appraisal where the HR and the associated teams gauge the performance of the workers based on their set targets. The firm’s culture has value for its employees occasionally reward the best-performing workforce through bonuses, competitive pay, and promotions (ADNOC nd, para 4). The sales teams, such as other employee groups in the organization, work hard to realize the rewards. Their approach to work is aligned with the self-determination theory whose theorist posited that individuals’ performance is driven by the inherent belief that their actions would result in better performance and subsequent rewards from their bosses (Chapter 7 nd, slide 22). Therefore, they have the trust that their reliable performance would attract rewards. The belief has been the driver of the employees, leading to their desired output. Team Composition There are composition-related factors that make the employees at the ADNOC’s sales unit more effective when working in teams. The first aspect is diversity. The ADNOC has embraced diversity by leveraging globalization as a force for fostering inclusion in the workforce. Globalization has led to the transfer of the workforce, with global organizations embracing a multicultural approach to staff management. The ADNOC’s culture values diversity and inclusion, with job applicants from all over the world having equal chances to work in any of its departments (ADNOC nd, para 3). The company’s sales department, for instance, has employees from more than eight races, all working towards the common goal. From the effective team model, diversity is one of the forces that drives teamwork while fostering collaboration and effective interaction (Chapter 10 nd, slide 11). In this way, the diversity in the sales team makes the employees feel wanted, a factor that contributes to the success of the unit. The second factor is role allocation. There are two approaches used in allocating the roles to the employees at the ADNOC. The first is an individual assignment that involves allocating responsibilities to employees based on their job description and scope of work. The second approach is group assignment through agile operational farmwork. The staff members are required, based on this approach, to work in groups, especially on the most complex and outdoor activities, such as sales and marketing. Teamwork provides avenues for employees to interact and share skills that improve their productivity (Management Study Guide 2023, para 2). The interaction, therefore, improves the effectiveness of the teams fostering the realization of individual and group goals. Finally, the personality of the team members affects the effectiveness of teams. Employees that embrace unity, agreeableness, and openness are likely to promote the success of the organizations. According to Chapter 7 (n.d.), work teams generate positive cooperation through the promotion of coordination, with individual efforts resulting in performance that is greater than the sum of individual performance (slide 6). Agreeable and open employees are highly likely to promote an effective working culture that promotes the continuous sharing of information for personal and group advancement. At the ADNOC, for instance, the personnel is encouraged to remain open to latest ideas, agree to interaction, and promote collaborative working processes that foster their competence (ADNOC nd, para 5). In this way, the desirable personalities are the force behind the success of the team working relations at ADNOC’s sales unit. Process Three main process-related factors promote the effectiveness of teams at ADNOC’s sales unit. The first is a common purpose. The team effectiveness model highlights that individuals with a common purpose are likely to work in unison to realize their goals (Chapter 10 nd, slide 11). At the ADNOC, the firm is organized into departments. The sales division is mandated to market and sell the company’s products (ADNOC nd, para 8). All staff members within this department work together to realize the goal by ensuring that the firm reports high revenues while also fostering the penetration of the organization to other new markets. Thus, the common goals make the teams at the sales unit of the organization effective. Apart from that, team cohesion is another process-related factor that promotes team effectiveness in the organization. Companies need to cultivate a culture of unity, partnership, and love among their staff members. Such a working environment helps encourage people to realize their goals since they are assured of support, safety, and motivation from both their peers and leaders (Management Study Guide 2023, para 2). Cohesion is also related to Hertzberg’s two-factor model. The hygiene factors based on the model are aspects that satisfy the basic needs, with working conditions likely to motivate the employees, especially when they are favorable to foster close working relationships amongst the workers (Thant & Chang 2021, p. 163). At the ADNOC, the leaders cultivate a culture of cohesion that allows the staff to collaborate while accommodating the diverse needs of each other. It is essential for the teams to nurture a culture of cohesion to enhance their productivity. Finally, team identity promotes the effectiveness of the employees in the selected company. Team identity is the willingness of people to associate with an organization (Chapter 10 nd, slide 7). In most cases, the staff members are willing to identify with the organization when they feel that their needs are met and when they are engaged in the decision-making and policy formulation processes (Management Study Guide 2023, para 2). At the ADNOC’s sales unit, the employees identify with the firm. Their identity is informed by the positive culture of the company, the rewards they get from their high performance, and the willingness of the managers to listen to their plight and timely address their issues. Factors that Affect Motivation in the Team Two major factors affect staff motivation in the selected organization. The motivation influences the teams to remain effective in not only individual roles but also in group tasks. The first is the recognition and reward received by people. According to Kumari, B...
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