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A Critical Reflective Report on the Capabilities of Modern Standard Forms of Construction Contracts (SFCCs) in Addressing Current Industry Challenges and Changes (Essay Sample)

Assessment task details and instructions Over the last few years, construction industry has been facing many challenges. The magnitude of challenges faced by the UK construction industry due the impact of Brexit has increased significantly with the advent of Covid-19, which disrupted the normality not only in the UK but also all around the world. It seems that these challenges will continue to grow, with extraordinary levels of price increases in critical construction material and utilities. In fact, major Construction Industry information sources such as ‘RICS’, ‘The Guardian’ and ‘Construction News’ report that the steel prices rose 77.4% in 2021 and timber prices rose 80% in the first half of that year. The cost of labour also increased, with salaries of construction workers rising 6.7% over the first half of 2021. These challenges have significantly hampered the Construction Industry WERE the level and complexity of construction disputes has risen sharply. In fact, Construction News website reports that “the average value of disputes in the UK rose to £27.4m last year, up from £12.6m in 2019” and with even bigger challenges ahead, more significant increases in disputes can be anticipated. In addition, the post COVID” NEW normal” has introduced new ways of work in many industries and construction is not an exception. Along with that, there are now new legistations / changes to the legilations are being introduced to facilitate the ‘new normal’. Modern Standard Forms of Construction Contracts (SFCC) are expected to provide an impartial, fair and balanced legal framework to minimising the avenues for construction disputes, within the context of these challenges and legislative changes, the capabilities and the use cases of SFCCs have been challenged. It is, therefore, high time to critically reflect on the capabilities and the typical use cases of current SFCCs with the aim of stress testing them. Within this context, you are tasked to write a reflective report on the capabilities of modern SFCCs with regards to their capabilities and the performance when dealing with current construction industry challenges and changes. You are strongly encouraged to use a suitable reflective model (such as Gibb’s) in order to structure your arguments and the report. In doing so, you are strongly encouraged to extensively research and discuss cases and real project examples in building your arguments. Assessment Information/Brief Assessment Criteria Marks for your assessment will be allocated as follows:  Critical analysis of the main reasons (root causes) of construction disputes triggered by or likely to trigger by the recent and anticipated future construction Industry challenges and changes (legislative, etc)- 25%  Reflection of the capabilities (or lack thereof) of modern SFCCs to assist dealing with modern day construction disputes triggered by the recent and anticipated future construction Industry challenges and changes - 30%  Reflection on how and to what improvements can be made to SFCCs and current contract practices to overcome the impact of recent and anticipated future construction Industry challenges and changes - 30%  Presentation of report (Layout, structure, visual presentation, use of language, clarity of expression, referencing within text and bibliography) - 15% source..
righttop MODULE: CONTRACTS MANAGEMENT & PRACTICE A Critical Reflective Report on the Capabilities of Modern Standard Forms of Construction Contracts (SFCCs) in Addressing Current Industry Challenges and Changes CRN: 54089/55629 Student Roll Number: Instructor: Date The construction industry in the UK and all over the world has been grappling with many challenges in recent years. Such challenges are inclusive of the Brexit and the Covid-19 pandemic which have exacerbated such difficulties even further. Right from the rising cost of construction materials, the increased costs of labour as well as disruptions within supply chains have been very significant in hampering the operations of the construction industry and have brought about a surge in disputes experienced in the construction industry. Based on this context, the suitability and the effectiveness of modern Standard Forms of Construction Contracts (SFCCs) in handling these challenges and the changes need critical examination (Eggink, 2020). This reflective report is aimed at assessing the capabilities of modern SFCCs in light of the current legislative changes and industry challenges by use of the Kolb's Experiential Learning Cycle as an analytic framework. This framework is comprised of for stages – concrete experience, reflective observation, abstract conceptualization as well as active experimentation. Following these four stages, this model offers a structured framework to analyzing real cases as well as projects so as to obtain insights into the capabilities and performance of SFCCs in real-world scenarios(Grey, 2017). A number of significant cases and projects such as the Grenfell Tower Fire, the Hinkley Point C Nuclear Power Plant, the London Olympic Stadium, the Carillion Collapse, the High-Speed 2 railway project and the Crossrail project are examples that will be utilized in assessing SFCCs capabilities in handling industry challenges. The case studies are a representation of the broad issues such as legacy issues, contractor insolvency, complex project management, safety concerns as well as large-scale economic analysis. Through such analysis, we can obtain insights as to how SFCCs have been used in particular contexts, their effectiveness and areas for improvement. The study findings are key contributions to a deeper understanding of the limitations and strengths of SFCCs as well as giving recommendations for enhancing the effectiveness in mitigation of disputes while facilitating successful outcomes in center62992000construction projects. Figure 1: Kolb's Experiential Learning Reflective Cycle A). Concrete Experience: Critical Analysis of Root Causes of Construction Disputes Triggered by Recent and Anticipated Industry Challenges and Changes Disputes in construction arise from different factors with recent changes and challenges exacerbating these conflicts. A critical analysis of the root causes of these disputes from real case studies and projects can give concrete understanding of particular challenges and their impact on outcomes of projects. One devastating incidents in UK’s construction history is the Grenfell Tower fire of 2017. In this case scenario, fire engulfed a residential tower which resulted in 72 lives loss. The fire caught up rapidly due to some combustibles and insufficient measures of safety. This case exposed very significant root causes of disputes in construction. One such cause was failure in regulatory, construction and design compliance (Tuitt, 2019). The major contributors to the quick-fire spread were linked to inadequate measures of safety, and the use of combustible cladding. This even inspired stricter enforcement and regulations for ensuring safety in construction of buildings. Another key cause was the problem of liability and accountability among the involved parties. Disputes arose following failures in construction and design as well as regulatory compliance which led to disagreements in terms of responsibility over the event (Koohkan et al., 2020). This underscores the need for clarity in roles, effective oversight from regulatory agencies, proper risk management in mitigation of issues causes by construction safety concerns as well as accountability in construction. The Crossrail Project is another major infrastructure project in transportation within London whose implementation saw a lot of challenges (Grey, 2017). Such issues ranged from delays to cost overruns with contract disputing plaquing the entire project which highlights the risks and the complexity that are inherent in large-scale infrastructure projects. A root cause of these disputes in the Crossrail Project was lack of effective project coordination and management among different stakeholders. Delays in the delivery of important components, design changes as well as inadequate planning all resulted in disagreements over compensation and responsibility. This case is a demonstration of the need for clear cut communications, risk management and project oversight in the mitigation of disputes which arise from complex projects (McCrimmon et al., 2022). The Carilion Collapse in the UK in 2018 is a case study which also marks collapse of one of the UK’s greatest companies in construction. This was a collapse of the decades which saw over 3,000 jobs got lost affecting over 75,000 people who worked in the supply chain. The company failed with £7billion debt which exceeded its annual sales of £5.2billion. The collapse led to a revelation of systemic issues which exist in the construction industry such as poor risk management plans and difficulties in subcontractor compensation (Hajikazemi et al., 2020). The dispute arose from issues ranging from risk allocation between Carillion and subcontractors, contract breaches as well as non-payments. The case showcases need for effective contractual arrangements, transparency in practices of procurement as well as robust controls in financials. Many cases and projects in construction not to mention the High-Speed 2 (HS2) railway project, the London Olympic Stadium, and the Hinkley Point C Nuclear Power Plant all of which went through complex issues which have triggered recent and anticipated challenges and changes in construction. The HS2 project was the construction of a high-speed railway system which faced complex engineering issues such as navigation of urban centres, complex terrains and protected habitats of wildlife (Schmid, 2013). Such challenges were exacerbated by opposition from local communities and challenges of environmental concerns led to disputes ranging from overall viability, compensation of landowners and environmental impact issues (Zhang, 2023). Similarly, the London Olympic Stadium had legacy issues where after completion the stadium had to find the right long-term tenant and repurpose the stadium for post-event utilization. Finding an economically viable and sustainable use for this venue became a complex issue which led to disputes over legacy planning, contractual obligations and financial commitments (Whannel, 2021). The Hinkley Point C Nuclear Power Plant had economic and financing issues. Its economic viability analysis raised concerns about its long-term profitability and led to disputes over financial risks between government and developer and cost overruns potential (Putti & Toth, 2017). From these cases it is evident that construction disputes are usually triggered by interplay of factors such as financial risks, contractual issues, project management, safety, design issues as well as the viability and sustainability of the project in the long-term. Challenges such as contractual disputes, poor or lack of oversight of project as well as safety failures have got substantial implications in regard to outcome and can result into costly and lengthy legal conflicts. While construction continues to experience the challenges and changes of labour shortage, material costs increase, as well as legislative changes, addressing such root causes requires a proactive risk management approach, effective governance of projects, collaborative working and well-defined contractual covenants (McCarthy, 2017). Such concrete experience, it is clear that modern SFCCs need to properly address the root causes of construction disputes causes by industrial changes and challenges. B). Reflective Observation: Reflecting on the Capabilities of Modern SFCCs in Resolving Construction Disputes Resulting from Industry Challenges and Changes Modern SFCCs are usually intended to offer impartial and a balanced legal framework for construction projects. The purpose of these SFCCs is to allocate responsibilities and risks among involved parties in order to minimize disputes and facilitate the delivery of the project in an adequate and timely manner (Bunni & Bunni, 2021). In the reflection of SFCCs capabilities in resolution of construction disputes which are triggered by anticipated and recent changes, it is apparent that there are strengths and limitations. Strengths of SFCCs First, SFCCs provide very clear responsibility allocation and risks in a structured and clear manner which is very important in aiding the mitigation of disputes. They are inclusive of provisions for the work scope, timeframes, quality standards etc which enable the parties involved to understand there outright obligation. Secondly, SFCCs offer mechanisms for dispute resolutions such as arbitrations and mediations. Such mechanisms offer a structured procedure for parties to come to terms without resulting in any costly and lengthy litigations. Thirdly, SFCCs give a framework for managing any change that could inevitably take place (Bunni & Bunni, 2021). They include the mechanisms for handling the scope of a change, delays and variations. Such provisions are able to facilitate a systematic framework to management of changes which lowers the likelihood of disputes occurring from modifications of...
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