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EDUC2301-A6. Video Observation & Documentary Reflection (Essay Sample)

Dear Writer, please complete and submit the tasks on the Client's dashboard: o Documentary Reflection- Embracing Dyslexia - 300 words, due 27 Feb 11 pm (MST) o Classroom Video Observation #3 - 300 words, due 27 Feb 5 am (MST) Login details to dashboard will be available upon acceptance in the Login Details section. After the task is completed, make a screenshot showing the task posted on the Client’s dashboard. Upload this screenshot to the “Final paper” section. source..
Name of the Student Name of the Instructor Course Date Embracing Dyslexia 1 What is dyslexia? Dyslexia is a condition experienced by children associated with difficulties in reading. Ideally, dyslexia is a learning disorder that children suffer from and may experience reading difficulties due to speech sound identification problems. 2 What were your misconceptions about dyslexia? Dyslexia disorder only affects boys at a young age. The truth is that both girls and boys can be dyslexic. Another misconception is that a significant sign of dyslexia is when children read or write letters backward. However, all young readers experience the same problem when learning to read. Trying to read harder by students who have dyslexia can solve the disorder. 3 Consider the documentary and explain if you can now recognize some people in your life who may have dyslexia? Cases of dyslexia disorders seem quite common. Children in lower classes have communication difficulties. Their communication skills are very poor since they pronounce their words differently. Apart from young children who experience dyslexia, adults may also have dyslexia. Adults may find challenges in reading due to stroke or brain injury. There are adults nowadays who cannot read correctly when a document is presented to them. 4 How does dyslexia impact an individual in all aspects of their life, private and professional? Dyslexia affects a person in several ways. Dyslexia affects communication, timekeeping, multi-tasking, and memory. People are suffering from dyslexia experience problems with communication skills. Dyslexia makes a person poorly pronounce words while talking to others. 5 How does an individual develop coping skills to deal with their issues? An individual should keep working smart and hard. Daily practice on reading some books or novels enhances their reading abilities. Working smart involves correcting any word that a person will pronounce wrong and constantly doing practice by attending reading classes. If possible, also participate in reading stories in class. As a result, a person develops reading skills. 6 What are some examples of coping skills that can help a person with dyslexia succeed in life? A person needs to develop a positive attitude towards any challenge that comes on their way to succeed in life. Other coping skills include; avoiding comparing oneself with others, organizing skills, taking your time as much as possible while reading, understanding it is okay to be different from other students, and understanding that gr...
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