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The TASK WAS ABOUT HOW INMATES are GIVEN INHUMANE TREATMENT AS THOUGH THEY ARE NOT HUMAN BEINGS. IT DESCRIBES HOW THEY FACE CRUELTY, AND LACK OF RESPECT FOR THEIR HUMANITY, WHICH MAKES THEM VULNERABLE TO MISTREATMENT AND EVEN DEATH to some extent. IT DESCRIBES OF A new pastor in the Eastern Pennsylvania Prison in a scenario like when Charles Dickens, an English Author, would visit the prison AND IT would be tricky to rule out BECAUSE THEN THERE Were laws stipulating that nobody WAS supposed to talk to the inmates. This SCENARIO WAS TOO AWKWARD AND made no SENSE WHY HE SHOULD NOT TALK TO INMATES. wHAT HE KNEW IS THAT INMATES WERe HUMAN BEINGS, IT's ONLY THAT THEY WERE FOUND ON THE WRONG HAND OF THE LAW. He stated that according to spirituality, he would treat the inmates in a more humane manner, in consideration of Legal Obligation where International human rights law demands that all people, including the inmates, should be treated with respect and dignity because they are human beings. no Cruelty and inhumane treatment should be practiced. also, Rehabilitation facts that inmates can be reintegrated back into society through rehabilitation. so, humanely treating inmates will make them change their habits for good and will be well assimilated into the community quickly. Public safety was another issue highlighted because Treating the inmates with dignity can positively affect their psychological approach, making them better people even after prison. Mental health was also a point to consider as it affects their mental well-being. Humane treatment helps mitigate this impact and prevent further harm. Therefore the context was to pinpoint that inmates should be treated equally to other human beings although they will be forced to face the law, but ethically, they should be perceived as good citizens who only fell off from their morals. But once they are incarcerated and shown their mistakes, they can rightly change and become better citizens. source..
Inhumane Treatment of Inmates Student Name Course Name Department Name Instructor 13th February 2023 Inhumane Treatment of Inmates Inmates are caught on the wrong side of the law and incarcerated. Every government has laws that govern the land to which every citizen is bound to adhere. Although in some other countries, there are people who are above the law, most countries around the globe are under the law, making everybody vulnerable to the stipulated rules. Even though inmates become incarcerated for breaking the law, they are still human beings like any other, and the expectation is to uphold them with dignity and respect. Being a new pastor in the Eastern Pennsylvania Prison in a scenario like when Charles Dickens, an English Author, would visit the prison would be tricky to rule out, bearing the fact that there are laws stipulating that nobody is supposed to talk to the inmates. But according to spirituality, I would treat the inmates and the celebrities in a more humane manner, considering the facts below:- * Legal Obligation: - International human rights law demands that all people, including the inmates, should be treated with respect and dignity because they are human beings. Cruelty and inhumane treatment are prohibited. * Rehabilitation: - The inmates can be reintegrated back into society through rehabilitation. Therefore humanly treating inmates will make them change their habits for good and assimilate into the community quickly. * Public safety: - Treating the inmates with dignity can positively affect their psychology, making them better people even after prison. * Mental health:-Treatment of inmates affects their mental well-being positively or negatively, depending on the treatment. Humane treatment helps mitigate this impact and prevent further harm. * Ethical consi...
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