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Should a college education be free? (Essay Sample)
Should a college education be free?
Write a 5 – 6 paragraph essay, making an informal argument with a claim and some evidence based on knowledge and experience. Typed, double-spaced, standard 12-point font.
Also for some personal information I am 18 years old, a male, and am in my first year of community College in Oregon. I go to a community college because I was eligible for a grant called Oregon Promise. It was for 2 free years of community college. That saves money later on rather than going right to a university and having to pay for my first two years of college. I want to transfer in two years to a university. source..
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An Argument: Should a College Education be Free?
I am 18 years old, a male, and in my first year of Community College in Oregon. I went to a community college because I was eligible for an Oregon Promise grant. It was for two free years of community college. That saves money later on rather than attending university and paying for my first two years of college. I want to transfer in two years to a university. Whether a college education should be free has existed for decades. It is a question that has been debated for decades, which people strongly agree with and oppose. Some believe the answer is yes, while others say no. But the truth is, we need to take a step back and look at what we are asking when we ask this question. It is a simple question—should college education be free? But when you think about it in terms of what it actually means, it gets complicated.
College education should be free. There are many reasons why this is so. First, it is a public good: the public benefits from having access to higher education. Second, it is an economic good: people who get a college degree are more likely to be employed and earn more money than those who do not attend college. Third, it is an educational good: people who enroll in college have better outcomes on standardized tests and other assessments than those who do not attend at all or only attend for vocational reasons. And finally, it is a social good. Increasing the number of people who get a college degree can reduce inequality between people with and without degrees by ensuring everyone has access to this critical stepping stone up the economic ladder.
According to a study conducted by Imed Bouchrika for, it is evident that free college education has significant economic relevance. The pandemic caused by COVID-19 has highlighted the importance of free college. Free college has been shown to ease the burden on students in many countries, especially those economically disadvantaged (Bouchrika). It can also help them develop the skills and knowledge needed to succeed. The World Economic Forum recently published a report highlighting the importance of post-secondary education in helping people globally improve their skills and productivity. According to the report, investing in skills training could help boost the global economy by over $6 trillion by 2030 (Bouchrika). Therefore, a free college education is relevant and will improve the sustainability of people in the community through self-reliant models.
On the other hand, the main reason why some people argue that college education is that tuition-free college education cannot be free college education since students will run into unimaginable debts during their college life. One of the biggest expenses college students must pay is tuition fees. It accounts for around 73.6% of the average cost of education ( However, it is only one of the many expenses during college. In-state tuition for a four-year public college in 2021-2022 is around $10,740 per year ( Besides books and supplies, other expenses such as transportation and accommodations are also included in the cost of education. Community college students' tuition accounts for less than 20% of their budget. Annually, the average student budget runs around $18,830 ( For instance, in Sweden, students have free college, yet they have an average student debt of around $19,000 for living expenses and other expenses ( On the other hand, US college students had a debt of around $24,800 ( Despite this argument, offsetting tuition fees from students' college expenses is a significant relief that should be considered.
However, logically, students should be able to pay for something other than college. College is a public good, and every student should receive the same quality education regardless of their ability to pay. Colleges should not charge tuition because it robs students of opportunities that could open doors for them...
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