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Advancement of technology in communication (Essay Sample)

This essay was about advancements in communication and its impact on society. This essay consisted of 4 paragraph in which i briefly discussed introduction of technology, its advancements and my own point of view regarding communication. Then i wrote pros and cons of communication advancements and at the i concluded the whole essay. source..
Student’s Name Professor’s Name Course Number Date Advancement of Technology in Communication The practical use of scientific information is referred as technology. Technological advancement is the modification of technology for human benefits. Many progressive changes occurred in various field medicines, education, communication, recombinant technology and artificial intelligence. CITATION Com23 \l 1033 (Comunale) Advancement in communication has played a vital role in the mode of transferring information globally. For this purpose different media are used i.e. radio, television, mobile phone, ptcl, internet, Wi-Fi, wireless modems. In the past decades pigeons, beating of drums, slaves and letters were used. A proper wireless communication system developed during 1880s. Telephone was invented in1876. Most significant development of radio and mobile phones arose during World War II which pushes up the mode of communication. CITATION Hus20 \l 1033 (Hussain, Bhadri and Hussain) Telecommunication is emerging by upgrading the 4G into 5G and Wi-Fi into Li-Fi. This advancement may take five to eight years. Wi-Fi costs high value for faster speed. To overcome this problem companies have planned to develop Li-Wi which can work at the speed of 1GB per second. In my point of view advancement in technology has improved the lifestyle of human beings. We can access any information in a matter of seconds. It is enhancing our knowledge, way of communication. As it providing a lot of benefits but, there are some problems associated with this. It makes the people completely relied on technology. People are becoming lazy and addicted of mobile phones which are badly affecting their lives. CITATION Dal22 \l 1033 (Dalomba) By using social media they are aparting from their families and friends, spending lot of time on social media. Online bullying is also a common trend that’s why people are getting depressed and hurting. In a nutshell, with a lot of benefits it is als...
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