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Alcohol abuse,drug addiction threats and rehabilitation (Essay Sample)

This essay aims at showing how drug abuse has taken over the world and the most affected age is the youths. This essays focuses in explaining in details the negative effects that drug abuse brings about to the life of a human being, the risks and the consequences that follows the abuse of these drugs. source..
Alcohol abuse, drug addictions threats and rehabilitation NAME OF THE STUDENT: NAME OF INSTRUCTOR: COURSE TITLE: DATE: Alcohol abuse, drug addictions threats and rehabilitation Alcohol abuse has taken over the World in the few past few years at a very high and alarming rate. Reports show about 1.4 percent of the population in the world use alcohol all inclusive of men, women and children above the age of 18years. It’s very unfortunate that nowadays even high-school kids use alcohol in the name of enjoyment as this is the picture portrayed by their parents even at home. Parents do not mind whether their kids are there or not they will just buy a drink come with it at home and take it just infront of their children. How then will a parent be able to tell their children that alcohol taking is not good for them? Alcohol has very many negative effects once abused; health wise alcohol causes high blood pressure, heart diseases, digestive problems, cancer of the breast,mouth,throat and many more. Alcohol also causes family disorders like break ups in the family for example if the wife is not an alcoholic but the husband is, this definetly causes conflicts in the family as the wife may get irritated with the husbands behavior which affects even the sex life of the couple. As we all know that sex is a basic need in a marriage, alcohol reduces the sex performance in the family hence creating issues like infidelity in the marriage. Under the influence of alcohol one is not able even to make sound decision even in their line of work this may led to lose of jobs and unemployment. We have seen people who cannot even complete a task without taking alcohol first, automatically this will influence their work performance. At the same time there some people who cannot be able to do anything once they have taken alcohol, what does this now lead to? Theft; once a person is unable to perform in their jobs it will automatically lead to job lose, meaning the money he/she used to buy themselves alcohol with is definetly cut of, but they really need alcohol to survive then this leads to theft as they are trying to look for means to survive and get the alcohol. The government and transport authorities have really been trying to sensitize on the risk of driving under the influence of alcohol as this is one of the major reasons to causes road accidents and death. Alcohol increase the rate of accidents by at least 30 percent, as one is not able to make any sound decision to avoid the accidents. Visuality is reduced once one is under the influence of alcohol and is driving, that is why the government is so strict on driving while under the influence of alcohol. Alcohol really wastes a lot of money as some people do not know how to regulate the amount of money they are using on alcohol. There are some people who would use up all their money just on alcohol failing to meet their responsibilities. Over the past few years there have been cases of early pregnancies due to alcoholism, youths have turned alcohol as a source of enjoyment and the results of these “enjoyments” is unplanned sex since one is not in their right state of mind to know what is happening and the end result is pregnancy, which leads to school drop-out. We may think that it is only alcohol that is being abused but no, there are so many drugs being abused by both male female and youths. Cigarette smoking tops up also the drug abuse list; this also has its own effects when abused wrongly and about 11.5 percent of U.S adults an estimated 28.3 million people smoke cigarette of which 13.1 percent are men and 10.1 percent are women. Cigarette just like any other drugs have their effects on the body of a human once abused;(a)Cancer-cigarette contains over 5000 chemicals which are harmful to the human body, and out of these 5000 chemicals at least 70 of them can cause cancer which affects the lungs and affect the body. These chemicals damage the DNA parts which are responsible in protecting our body against cancers. (b) Breathing problems and chronic respiratory-smoking causes lung diseases by damaging the airways and small air sacs(alveoli) found in the lungs, the lung diseases caused by smoking includes COPD which includes emphysema and chronic bronchitis, which causes lung cancer hence blocks breathing problems. (c) Heart diseases- the chemicals in cigarette causes the blood to thicken and formation of clots inside the veins and arteries. The blockage of clot can lead to a heart attack. (d) Diabetes- Insulin in the body helps the blood sugar enter cells, but nicotine in cigarette changes the cell so as it may not respond to Insulin which increases blood sugar levels. The chemicals in the cigarette harms the cells in the body and causes inflammation, this makes the cells to stop responding to insulin hence causing diabetes.(e) Infections- the large amount of radicals in cigarettes damages the integrity of respiratory tract and alveolar epithelial cells which lead to increased likelihood of infections. All these effects that emerge from cigarette abuses causes a huge loss of lives if it’s not controlled. And just like alcohol abuse, also cigarette smoking causes a lot of money wastage as one may even use close to 10dollars a day just on cigarette. Cocaine is another drug that is being abused on a large scale. Cocaine is a stimulant that affects the brain directly, it is labelled as the drug of the 1980s and 90s since it was introduced a long time ago and has been abused for over 100years. Cocaine is generally referred to as crack in the streets and is being sold in powered form. Even though in some of the countries it is termed as an illegal substance and it’s abuse is illegal like in the U.S, some individuals smuggle the drugs into the country and still sell it as it’s very expensive. Cocaine also has its side effect in the human body such as;(a) Acute hypertension-the cocaine blocks the reuptake of dopamine and norepinephrine at the peripheral nervous systems which causes the neurotransmitters activity enhanced resulting to an acute increase in blood pressure, heart rate and vasoconstriction.(b) Arrhythmia- cocaine causes mycoyte cell death and fibrosis resulting in reduced systolic function hence increasing the risk of arrhythmias. (c) Aortic dissection-cocaine once in the body system increases aortic wall stress which penetrates the intimal vessel layer and allows blood to separate both the intimal and medial layers which increases the chances of aortic dissection. (d) Heart attack-the abuse of cocaine causes reduction in blood flow which causes heart attacks. (e) Cardiomyopathy-it is studied that cocaine-induced cardiomyopathy, especially dilated cardiomyopathy resulting from lack of myocardical oxygen supply despite increa...
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