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The Rhetorical Analysis of "Get Football Out of Our Universities" by Steven Salzberg (Essay Sample)

to assess the efficacy of Salzberg's persuasive strategies by scrutinizing his utilization of language choices, organization, rhetorical appeals, and evidence in support of his position. Steven Salzberg adeptly utilizes a range of rhetorical tactics, such as persuasive appeals to emotions, logical deductions, and ethical deliberations, to construct a persuasive case that challenges the widespread impact of football within collegiate institutions. This analysis aims to illuminate the rhetorical efficacy of Salzberg's essay through an examination of his strategic decisions. source..
Student’s Name Professor’s Name Course Date The Rhetorical Analysis of "Get Football Out of Our Universities" by Steven Salzberg Introduction: In his essay "Get Football Out of Our Universities, " Steven Salzberg positions an opposing view," advocating for eliminating football from American universities because it impedes scientific and technological competitiveness and undermines the educational mission. This analysis aims to assess the efficacy of Salzberg's persuasive strategies by scrutinizing his utilization of language choices, organization, rhetorical appeals, and evidence in support of his position. Steven Salzberg adeptly utilizes a range of rhetorical tactics, such as persuasive appeals to emotions, logical deductions, and ethical deliberations, to construct a persuasive case that challenges the widespread impact of football within collegiate institutions. This analysis aims to illuminate the rhetorical efficacy of Salzberg's essay through an examination of his strategic decisions. Context and Purpose: Salzberg establishes the framework by emphasizing the cultural hegemony of football in American institutions and its influence on education. The objective is to convince readers that placing football as a higher priority than education threatens the nation's position in science and technology. Salzberg's focus on the culmination of the Super Bowl and college football season creates a relevant backdrop that connects with the audience's previous encounters. According to his argument, the football culture at American institutions needs to be more manageable. According to Salzberg, it erodes our education system and impairs competitiveness in technology, science, and engineering. Salzberg's message is conveyed with great force, emphasizing the pressing nature and seriousness of the issue. It effectively appeals to reason and emotion, aiming to mobilize readers in opposition to the intrusion of football on the educational objectives of colleges. Context and Purpose: Rhetorical Appeals: * Pathos: Salzberg utilizes pathos by articulating his discontent with the football industrial complex and its influence on education. Expressions such as "bio, dumb jock" and "breathless, hyperbolic stories" elicit emotional reactions from readers, thereby involving them in the author's dissatisfaction. This affective resonance aids Salzberg in communicating the individual ramifications of placing football ahead of academic pursuits. * Logos: The presence of logical arguments characterizes Salzberg's argument against allocating resources to football. He raises doubts about the educational merit of football. He criticizes the fiscal choices, as seen by his criticism of a university allocating $2 million to a football coach while implementing furloughs for its staff. Salzberg used a logical approach to persuade readers by highlighting the stark disparity between the monetary investments in football and the harmful consequences on educational resources. The author's logical reasoning reinforces the case against the football industrial complex. It is in line with their overarching objective of calling for a reevaluation of priorities inside colleges. Organization: Salzberg effectively logically structures his essay, presenting a compelling argument that challenges the prevalence of football in American universities. The author methodically constructs his argument, starting with the broader cultural ramifications of football and progressively expanding upon particular instances, such as the dubious financial judgments made by the University of Maryland. This essay's meticulously designed organizational framework contributes to its coherence by facilitating readers' seamless comprehension of the development of Salzberg's ideas. The author enhances the overall impact of his persuasive message by bolstering his main points through the progressive development of his argument. Evidence: Salzberg supports his persuasive premise by using illustrative instances, most notably the University of Maryland's hiring of a new football coach in the face of financial constraints. This particular instance functions as a poignant illustration, vividly showcasing the misallocation of financial resources that, in Salzberg's opinion, could have been utilized more prudently to support education. By supporting his claims with tangible and relatable evidence, the author bolsters his credibility and encourages readers to reevaluate the prevalent priorities for resource allocation in academic environments. Using these profound illustrations, Salzberg adeptly stimulates contemplation regarding the more extensive ramifications of placing football above critical educational requirements; thus, he strengthens the imperative nature of his appeal for action. Language and Style: In his book "Get Football Out of Our Universities, " Steven Salzberg effectively addresses complex matters," employing a language and style that ensures everyone reading it can comprehend. By employing clear and concise language and adopting a conversational tone, he adeptly clarifies complex topics, encouraging active participation ...
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