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MLA Paper instructions How does Portrait represent the arts or the development of arts in the course of its story? You may want to think and write about things like education, story telling, song, poetry, music, Don't use any source just A PORTRAIT OF THE ARTIST AS A YOUNG MAN by James Joyce Make the language easy as much as you can source..
Name Instructor Course Date Development of Art in A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man is a famous novel by James Joyce. The story follows the life of a young protagonist named Stephen Dedalus, who aspires to become an artistic writer by unshackling his familial, social, and religious constraints. The novel narrates the maturation journey of Dedalus, following his education in primary and secondary school and university. The development of art in this story is represented by the acquirement of freedom from one’s nation, religion, and country in order for one to be fully capable of delivering his or her fullest artistic potential. The story introduces Dedalus as a young boy attending Clongowes Wood College, a religiously strict boarding school. The first days in the school are tough for Dedalus, as he experiences homesickness and loneliness. As time passes, Dedalus’ family moves to Dublin because of financial problems, and the new environment challenges his religious teachings. He is admitted into a school known as Belvedere in Dublin, which is less strict on religious matters. The newly found freedom from religion allows Dedalus to explore, leading him to engage in sexual intercourse with a Dublin prostitute. The encounter leaves him traumatized and makes him start questioning his religion. Dedalus decides to ignore his religious principles and enjoy his freedom. The ignorance leads him to engage in masturbation and frequent sex with prostitutes. His adventure halts when his fear of consequences for sinful behavior is reinstalled in his mind. For a time, Dedalus starts to follow his religious principles and attends mass every day. However, he finally concludes while he takes a walk on the beach that religion should not restrict him from appreciating physical beauty. Dedalus embraces freedom from his religious beliefs as he proceeds to the university. At the same time, Dedalus aims at acquiring freedom from his family that exposes him to conditions and situations affecting his artistic development. When Dedalus is in primary school, the family experiences financial turmoil caused by the growth of his father’s debt. The family moves to Dublin, where Dedalus is exposed to art. He participates in acting and writing and develops a strong interest in the latter. However, the family is forced to move again because of more financial problems. The move greatly affects Dedalus who is starting to create a strong foundation in artistic writing. With the realization that family is an obstacle to his objective to become a skilled artistic ...
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