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Canon Law Literature & Language Essay Research Paper (Essay Sample)


The essay tells how the Canon law is the legal Catholic law that guides every Catholic’s life (Peters). The law is normally geared towards creating uniformity in the Catholic behavior and to give guidance to Catholics.


Canon Law
Canon law is the legal Catholic law that guides every Catholic’s life (Peters). The law is normally geared towards creating uniformity in the Catholic behavior and to give guidance to Catholics. The law, however, has some variations in the different groups of Catholics that exist (Lehner, O'Neill Printy 6). This may include such groups as the Catholics or the Orthodox Church who deviated from the Catholic system.
Among the Catholics, Canon law is supposed to be practiced by every individual who is a believer in the same faith (Peters). Although the law is very wide and deals with many things, Catholics are expected to know and live by the code that relates to them. As an example, Canon law guides the how and when the Catholics partake of the holy Eucharist and how Catholics can receive absolution through the sacrament of confession and to whom one can be a godparent (Rhidian 56). Canon law also meets Catholics daily life in the Catholic schools. All the students enrolled in the catholic schools are taught of how to live as Catholics and are taught many things in regard to the canon law.

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