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Cultural Transmission within a Society (Essay Sample)

Culture plays a crucial role in shaping the society in which we live. It influences the way people think and behave. By examining these various aspects of culture that I have talked about, we can gain a better understanding of how culture shapes our society and how we can use this knowledge to promote positive social change. source..
Name Instructor Course Date Cultural Transmission within a Society According to my research about cultural transmission within the society, I found several author’s whose published books concerning cultural transmission. Mostly they were dwelling on beliefs, and practices. In my understanding of this I found that cultural transmission is the way a group of people within a society tend to learn and pass on new information. My main aim in this essay is to explore and make links between these disparate studies concerning its transmission within a society. In order to accomplish my goal I have arranged my work into sections. In the first section, I provide an account of the cultural transmission, in the second section I have looked at the effects of cultural transmission, and concluded with challenges of cultural transmission. CULTURAL TRANSMISSION It addresses the cultural deficits that have arisen in the society, and this process also focuses on immersion and reflection as a way to learn (Algan et al. 438). It can be accomplished through experiential learning where an individual learns about the culture around them. There will be a learning curve, wherein an individual may make social mistake as they navigate the new culture (Algan et al.440). Without cultural transmission there can be no evolution, and the form that this transmission takes can significantly influence the evolutionary dynamics of culture (Garland and Peter 63). As such, the cultural evolution, and the form that this transmission takes can significantly influence the evolutionary dynamics of culture (Garland and Peter 63). EFFECTS OF CULTURAL TRANSMISSION Culture plays a pivotal role in the lives of everyone in the society as it gives a sense of belonging, especially when everyone speaks the same language (Bisin et al. 65). Culture provides stability. It gives a feeling of security and safety as it provides most people with same emotional response as they have for their family (Bisin et al. 67). CHALLENGES OF CULTURAL TRANSMISSION Under my review I also discovered that during cultural transmission there are several challenges that occur, where some of the traditional practices may be lost and get diluted. During transmission through media some culture may be...
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