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Humans Are Essentially Bad-Lord of the Flies Essay (Essay Sample)


The paper required reference to william golding book 'lord of flies' to analyze and support the the topic. The paper required only two sources.


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Humans Are Essentially Bad-Lord of the Flies
Humans being greatest faults lies in their deeds, although they attempt to conceal their wrong deeds, ultimately evil and bad rises above everything else. Human beings strive to live ordinary lives full of ignorance while evil is always waiting to come out people as evident in "Lord of Flies," by William Golding. Several people argue that good deeds overshadow evils ones and that the bad in society is an occasional blip. However, the facts on the ground show that humans' natural tendencies show that things are never the same way as they appear. Humans can easily betray their emotions and continuously ignore difficult situations opting for the easy options to solve their problems (George, Jose, and Raju, 174). Golding believes that the nature of human beings is evil. The bad nature of human beings is evident from Jack the group's hunter, the murder of Piggy and Simon, attempted killing of Ralph and the destruction of the island. All humans can become good people, but darkness exists in all individuals waiting for a provocation to reveal its true nature.

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