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Literary Analysis On Experts from we the animals by Justin Torres (Essay Sample)

this paper was a Literary Analysis On Experts from we the animals by Justin Torres. the instructions were to focus on the following components: The clear use of ONE literary critical lens, ONE topic in literary criticism, and ONE close reading area as you build your analysis of the chosen text(s); The clear description of salient features (at least TWO points) of the writer(s), literary movement(s), genre(s), and/or text(s) you have chosen to analyze; At least TWO interpretations of TWO passages/quotes from your selected text(s) using said areas of literary analysis; At least TWO uses of applicable and appropriate literary terms; The clear explanation of at least ONE historical, cultural, and/or social context as it connects to your chosen text(s); The incorporation of at least ONE scholarly source (of literary criticism if possible) as you develop your analysis. Briefly explanation of your idea for transforming/adapting your analysis into something other than a paper (the Literature Beyond the Classroom part of the Final Project). source..
Name Professor Course December 15, 2023 Literary Analysis on Excerpts from We the Animals by Justin Torres We the Animals by Justin Torres, an American writer born to a Puerto Rican father and an Italian mother, explores the intricacies of life by following the main characters, the narrator, his eldest brothers, Joey and Manny, and their parents. The author captures the harsh upbringing and realities in the young life of the narrator and his three brothers through their experiences within the family, the community, and race. Experiences of violence, aggression, and love shape the life realities and understandings of the main characters owing to family abuse and neglect, featuring the feminist and post-colonialist perspectives. The clear use of ONE literary critical lens, ONE topic in literary criticism, and ONE close reading area as you build your analysis of the text Feminist criticism underlines the perspective of gender inequality in the novel. In this case, women in literature and society have different roles and are less powerful than their male counterparts (Fores 6). However, literature attempts to challenge such stereotypes and patriarchal norms in society. Women in society and literature encounter oppression and marginalization. The relationships and characteristics of women are represented in the novel as a reflection of what happens in society. Subsequently, postcolonial criticism portrays how the three brothers are colonized and struggle to maintain their identity under the rule of their family (Fores 19). Resistance and rebellion show how the three brothers rebel and resist the power of the family. As such, colonization has long-term effects where the colonized individuals or the society encounter challenges with developing their own societal, cultural, and social norms. The river is a prominent symbol used to represent freedom for the three brothers. The river is an escape place where the protagonist and his two brothers can escape from their challenging home life to experience adventure and a sense of freedom. The river symbolizes escape, freeing oneself from challenging situations and exploring the goodness of the outside world. However, the river also represents uncertainty and danger. The protagonist and his two brothers experience risky situations when playing by the river to portray the uncertainties and dangers facing their lives. Description of salient features (at least TWO points) of the writer(s), literary movement(s), genre(s), and text(s) The American author Justin Torres is widely recognized for a distinct writing style with the ability to demonstrate complex experiences and emotions accurately. First, Torres uses a vivid imagery writing style to portray a clear picture of the settings, characters, and events in his novels. For instance, the selected text shows how the author uses vivid descriptions to portray the characters and their experiences, making the readers feel like they are part of the narrative. A second salient feature that the author uses is emotional depth. The author tends to portray his characters as grappling with complex feelings and emotions to imply insight and sensitivity. In the selected text, the character struggles with family dynamics, identity, and societal expectations, portrayed with nuance and emotional depth. Subsequently, the novel 'We the Animals' is part of the postmodern literal movement. There is a use of fragmented narrative, a major feature of the postmodern literal movement, by telling the story in short and disjointed sections. The author also reflects unpredictable and chaotic nature of the character's lives. The novel also belongs to the postmodern literal movement from its exploration of identity. For instance, the author shows how the protagonist struggles with identity, especially his sexual identity (Fores 12). The novel, 'We the Animals,' belongs to the coming-of-age genre that emphasizes the growth and development of the protagonist. The protagonist undergoes significant growth and development with regard to his identity and his place in the world. The novel also explores family dynamics, which is a common feature of the coming-of-age genre, by showing the relationships between the protagonists, his two brothers and parents. At least TWO interpretations of TWO passages/quotes from your selected text(s) using said areas of literary analysis Torres narrates, "We wanted more. We knocked the butt ends of our forks against the table, tapped our spoons against our empty bowls; we were hungry" (1). First, the passage implies that the boys were physically hungry and required food. The physical hunger portrays the struggle to afford basic items such as food in the family. Secondly, a metaphorical interpretation of the passage implies that the brothers were hungry for more than just food. In this case, they were hungry for attention, love, and a better life. The tapping act portrays impatience and desperation. The author also narrates, "We were six snatching hands, six stomping feet; we were brothers, boys, three little kings locked in a feud for more (Torres 1)." The meaning of this passage shows the competitiveness and physicality among the three brothers to portray a clear image of their chaotic and energetic nature. The metaphorical meaning shows how the boys struggle for dominance and individuality. The phrase 'three little kings' shows their desire to take power and control, while 'locked in a feud for more' implies competitiveness. At least TWO uses of applicable and appropriate literary terms. The author utilizes symbolism. The knocking and tapping act symbolizes the three brothers' impatience and desperation for not just food but also love, attention, and a better life. A second term is a metaphor, where the phrase' three little kings' portrays the boy's desire to rule and control. The third term is imagery, where phrases like 'six stamping hands, six stomping feet' create an image of the chaotic and energetic nature of the boys. Clear explanation of at least ONE historical, cultural, and social context The novel is based on strong cultural, historical, and social contexts of marginalized communities in t...
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