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Main Issues that College Students Face Today Literature Essay (Essay Sample)


An essay exploring three main issues that college students face today


Jude T. Lavu
Professor John Smith
English 101
15 February 2019
Main Issues that College Students Face Today
The transition from high school to college often presents an opportunity for students to look forward to a new chapter in their lives. However, various challenges that the students encounter throughout their college life overshadows the initial excitement. With time, students realize that what they encounter is not often what they expected. The inability of students to adjust effectively to campus life is attributed mainly to the high cost of education, substance abuse and the pressure of choosing appropriate majors to pursue.
Students’ failure to adjust effectively to college life is due to the rising costs of education. The high cost of tuition fees and high-interest rates capped on loans make it hard for students to get by without employment. In addition, boarding and living cost allowances contribute a lot to the total expenses further increasing the cost of college education (Kelchen et al. 2). As a result, some students do not complete their education and drop out of college because they cannot afford to pay for services on offer. Those who graduate successfully face the challenge of having to repay huge debts incurred throughout their college years. The disappointment associated with higher college fees may predispose students to risky behaviors such as substance abuse, which is another major challenge they may encounter.

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