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Literature & Language
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Nurture Debate (Essay Sample)

Earlier in the term, we discussed the nature-nurture debate. For this paper, I would like you to apply this debate to the topic of language development, addressing the following questions: What is the role of nature (genetic inheritance) in the development of language? (Obviously we are not born with genes to speak a particular language, but what other roles might genetics play in the language development process?) What is the role of nurture in language development? Do you think nature or nurture plays a more significant role in language development? Why? Make sure you use at least one outside source for support of your ideas. Your paper should be 2-5 paragraphs in length, and should include a reference page for your sources. The majority of your paper should be written in your own words (direct quotes sh source..
Student’s Name Professor Course Date Nature has played a significant role in the development of language. Noam Chomsky suggested a theory that our brains are built with the ability to learn languages. This school of thought is often referred to as nativism. According to nativism, our brains are equipped to acknowledge patterns, vocabulary, and grammar. Chomsky asserts that all languages have a common structure, therefore, a child learning a language does not need to the rules and instructions because they will instinctually grasp them. A child learns a native language on average at the age of five and can grasp complex sentences and thousands of words because it is an inborn skill. The ideology affirms that language development is a product of nature. Nurture is the acquiring of characteristics through learning and experience. Our environment influences our preferences like a love for music or religious reliefs. The environment exposes a person to interactions, cultural aspects, and exposure to educational opportunities. Children learn how to speak by observing the language around them. Caregivers and family play a role in providing important input that shapes how children speak. Reading and storytelling also expose people to vocabularies and communication models. Children acquire languages through interacting socially and by seeing how others talk and take turns in conversations. Peer groups help refine the language abilities of children while they play in school and playgrounds. Formal education is also used as a tool to teach and guide learners about language in a structured way. Both nature and nurt...
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