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Shakespeare's Tempest Analysis Literature & Language Essay (Essay Sample)


The task in this paper was analysis and interpretation of taliban's relationship with prospero and others. This sample was about SHAKESPEARE'S tempest analysis


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Analysis And Interpretation of Caliban’s Relationship with Prospero and Others
William Shakespeare’s The Tempest focuses on various themes that illustrate the complexities that define the relationship among multiple characters. The relationship between Prospero and Caliban is one that is not only complex but fascinating as well. In this paper, I will analyze and interpret Caliban’s relationship with Prosperos and others. I will also identify the critical scene in the play that is most important for understanding the meaning of Caliban and establish an interpretation of the struggles between the latter and the outsiders using his island as an operation base for personal political mechanization
The most important part of the play is Act I, Scene 2, which introduces us to the protagonist, Prospero, and then sets out his relationship with the three key characters; Caliban, Miranda, and Ariel (Shakespeare 1.2). The relationship between Prospero and Caliban is complicated. Initially, at the beginning of the play, the two seemed to have a warm relationship until the unexpected happened. The word “seem’ as used above, is not accidental but rather carefully chosen to illustrate a relationship that is punctuated by uncertainty and dynamism. Prospero and Caliban live in a servant-master relationship. It plays out clearly in many scenes, especially whenever the relationship is disrupted or threatened. A relationship that started with respect and love when Caliban welcomed Prospero to the island has now turned into hatred and slavery. The turning point of their relationship was when Caliban attempted to rape Prospero's daughter, Miranda. The irritated Prospero says, “We’ll visit Caliban, my slave who never yields us kind answers” (Shakespeare 1.2.365). In this scene, the master-servant relationship becomes imminent with acts of slavery and cruelty taking center stage.

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