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Coarctation of the Aorta (Essay Sample)


Coarctation causes the aorta, the main artery that distributes oxygen-rich blood throughout the body, to become more constricted. After the aorta's arch, or shrinkage, there is coarctation of the aorta. Blood flow is decreased when an aortic coarctation is present (Kania 18). The heart's left ventricle has to work harder to push blood through the smaller aperture. The patient becomes very unwell when the left ventricle weakens due to coarctation. Older kids may have bigger left ventricles and greater cerebral blood pressure if they have a blockage.
The ventricle may ultimately stop working if it gets too thick and blocks the blood flow. In that case, a stable high blood pressure condition may develop. In this way, 11 years Old children are more than twice as likely as young and old to develop congenital heart illness. Around 10% of all births are girls with Turner syndrome (Herrera 108). In addition, bicuspid aortic valves were seen in 75% of these neonates. Instead of the usual three leaflets on the aortic valve, there are just two in this case.


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Coarctation of the Aorta for an 11 Years Old
Coarctation causes the aorta, the main artery that distributes oxygen-rich blood throughout the body, to become more constricted. After the aorta's arch, or shrinkage, there is coarctation of the aorta. Blood flow is decreased when an aortic coarctation is present (Kania 18). The heart's left ventricle has to work harder to push blood through the smaller aperture. The patient becomes very unwell when the left ventricle weakens due to coarctation. Older kids may have bigger left ventricles and greater cerebral blood pressure if they have a blockage.
The ventricle may ultimately stop working if it gets too thick and blocks the blood flow. In that case, a stable high blood pressure condition may develop. In this way, 11 years Old children are more than twice as likely as young and old to develop congenital heart illness. Around 10% of all births are girls with Turner syndrome (Herrera 108). In addition, bicuspid aortic valves were seen in 75% of these neonates. Instead of the usual three leaflets on the aortic valve, there are just two in this case.
Symptoms may appear immediately when an infant is born with aortic coarctation.
* Pale complexion,
* Anxiousness,
* Heavy sweating,
* Breathing difficulties, and
* Trouble eating.
Most aortic coarctation treatments include surgery. This problem 

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