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Health, Medicine, Nursing
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Comparing Abigail Gowen Portrait 1763 and Mrs. Somerset Davis Portrait 1898 (Essay Sample)


Write a 1250 word paper on the prevalence of one selected infectious disease in the underdeveloped country of your choice.
Include the following in your paper:
• A discussion of disease incidence.
• A discussion of the effect of the disease on individuals.
• A discussion of the effect of this disease on the health economic system of the country (you'll need to also describe the health system).
• A discussion of the effect of the disease with respect to the global health market, with regard to both health and economic factors.
• A discussion of the effect on health agencies that may provide aid to citizens of this country.
• An evaluation of how successful an international health aid organization or set of organizations have been in meeting health care needs in the areas it/they serves with regard to the country and disease you selected.
Criteria for this paper:
• The paper must be written and properly cited in APA style.
• The paper must include at least three peer-reviewed sources other than the text.


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Comparing and Contrast Two Pieces of art
Fig. 1. Mrs. Somerset Davis portrait
Fig 2. Abigail Gowen portrait
The pieces of art that I will compare is the Abigail Gowen portrait painted in the year 1763 and Mrs. Somerset Davis portrait painted in the year 1898. The two pieces of art are a young girl and woman. Each of the paintings have some similarities and differences.
1 Impressionism Similarity
Both of the artworks looks to be conveying some type of message to anyone who might be staring at the artworks. Abigail Gowen portrait face is unnerving and has some intense eyes with her lips clamped together with red lipstick. Both look like they are waiting for response when someone stares at them.

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