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Health, Medicine, Nursing
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Spirituality in Nursing (Essay Sample)


An essay about the importance of nurses being able to give spiritual nourishment to patients in order to speed up recovery.

Spirituality in Nursing
Nursing entails the ability to restore health on many fronts. There is the physical health which most nurses tend to consider as their only duty. Ideally, the training of nurses should not only contain knowledge on how to sustain and revive the physical health of the patients but also prepare the nurses to be able to provide spiritual nourishment for the patients. Most nursing courses only contain sporadic mention of the spiritual health matters. The various nursing books only mention spiritual health but do not provide adequate insight into it so as to illustrate the importance of the nurses being able to help their patients with spiritual matters.
Spiritual health is an important component of the overall health of an individual. Being in peace with one’s inner self and spirit creates a good ground for a healthy living due to minimal mental stress as well as spiritual disturbance. Therefore for a person to recover quickly for a physical health condition it is vital for such a person to be spiritually nourished and thus mentally determined to get well. Nurse therefore require the necessary knowledge to be able to offer such assistance. The importance of provision of spiritual health to patients by the nurses cannot be overemphasized.
The work of the nurses is to ensure a good health care is availed to the public. The fact that the American people chose to live different lifestyles which sometimes can be detrimental to their health does not mean that the nurses...
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